Military News: What's happening across our nation incredible Canadian
links/CANADA Social Research Links/How to find sheeeeet and how to find actual
facts and information Canada style/AND- Canada voted- PM Harper did Canada
proud now PM Pierre Elliott's son - Justin Trudeau will be our new PM- and
Canada is thrilled and blessed imho
Canada Military News: Queen
Victoria's Order of Nurses - #MealsOnWheels - CANADA'S #VON - nursing without
walls-God's Angels Among Us- Your meals on wheels saves etc saves us
elderly/disabled throwaways - from Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia with love -
most trusted in the world.... thx u for loving the old, weary, broken and the
throwaways of society-ur truly God's Angels among us- and a hug out 2
#CanadianRedCross as well and #firstresponders
Man Asks An Old Lady Why She’s Alone On A Cruise Ship. Her Response Shocks Him
About 2 years ago my wife and I were on a cruise through the western
Mediterranean aboard a Princess liner. At dinner we noticed an elderly
lady sitting alone waiting for her food in the main dining room.
I also noticed that all the staff, ships officers, waiters, busboys, etc., all seemed very familiar with this lady.
I also noticed that all the staff, ships officers, waiters, busboys, etc., all seemed very familiar with this lady.
I asked our waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told she owned the line, but he said he only knew that she had been on board for the last four cruises, back to back.
As we left the dining room one evening I caught her eye and stopped to say hello. We chatted and I said, “I understand you’ve been on this ship for the last four cruises.” She replied, “Yes, that’s true.” I stated, “I don’t understand” and she replied, without a pause, “It’s cheaper than a nursing home.
So, there will be no nursing home in my future. When I get old and feeble, I am going to get on a Princess Cruise Ship. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 per day.” And THEN she said this:
“I have checked on reservations at Princess and I can get a long term discount and senior discount price of $135 per day. That leaves $65 a day for:
1. Gratuities which will only be $10 per day.
2. I will have as many as 10 meals a day (of fantastic food, not institutional food) if I can waddle to the restaurant, or I can have room service (which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week).
3. Princess has as many as three swimming pools, a workout room, free washers and dryers, and shows every night.
4. They have free toothpaste and razors, and free soap and shampoo.
5. They will even treat you like a customer, not a patient. An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff scrambling to help you.
6. I finally get to learn how to salsa!
7. I will get to meet new people every 7 or 14 days!
8. TV broken? Light bulb need changing? Need to have the mattress replaced? No problem! They will fix everything and apologize for your inconvenience.
9. Clean sheets and towels every day, and you don’t even have to ask for them.
10. If you fall in the nursing home and break a hip you are on Medicare; if you fall and break a hip on the Princess ship they will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.
11. There is always a doctor on board.
Now hold on for the best! Do you want to see South America, the Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, or name where you want to go? Princess will have a ship ready to go. So don’t look for me in a nursing home, just call shore to ship.
PS: And don’t forget, when you die, they just dump you over the side at no charge.”
LINKS TO SERVICES- how to find help with everything..... between the real
street and the electronic street- us oldies are being left behind with undue
hardship.... our old arthritic hands use telephones and conversation and the electronic
world of business uses text codes and pass u along as fast as they can
government services it seems... Nova Scotia –Annapolis Valley help lines and
services/blogs seniors/disabled and always troops...those with family mental
health and physical disabilities.... kicking ‘stigma’s ass and using all
Canadians potential for greatness and prosperity.... and kids help lines, homeless- God bless our troops and yours friends...
are abilities in disguise
Links to
Kings County, Annapolis Valley, and NS resources
1-888-429-8167 staffed
24/7 – Provincial Mental Health Crisis Line Number
Get Help Now,
Mental Health and Addiction Services of Annapolis Valley Health.
Helping Tree for services
in Kings and Annapolis Counties
Addiction Services, Nova Scotia
Beacon Programs,
Canadian Mental
Health Association, N.S. Division
Eating Disorders
Action Group, Dartmouth
Gambling Help
Line, Nova Scotia
Annapolis Valley Bereavement & Loss Support Groups – AVH
2006 listing
Voices – Lived Experience with Mental Health Issues
Salvation Army’s Good Neighbour Energy
application – helps low-income seniors and families pay home heating
bills. Application forms available in January of each year.
Housing Helping Tree for Kings County
Health (General)
50+ Expo
Department of Bioethics, Dalhousie University
Measures Organization, N.S.
Health Centre
Online, Pharmasave Atlantic
Health Promotion Clearinghouse, Western Region
IWK Foundation, Halifax
IWK Grace Health Centre, How To Get Here And Around
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Atlantic Division
Physician Search College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova
Teen Health
Project, Metro Halifax
VON Branch Locations, Nova Scotia, Annapolis Valley
Society of Nova Scotia, Provincial
Faculty of
Medicine, Dalhousie University
Family Medicine, Halifax
of Health (provincial)
Eastern Kings Memorial Community Health Centre, Wolfville
Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, Middleton
Western Kings Memorial Health Centre, Berwick
Info on what your representatives are doing in Ottawa
NOVA SCOTIA- Mental Health Services Nova Scotia- Where to
- Adult Addiction
- Adult Mental Health
- Child & Youth Mental Health & Addiction
- Beacon Program
- Residential
- Driving While Impaired
- Psychiatry
- See more
Links to
Kings County, Annapolis Valley, and NS resources
Health (Mental)
Society of Nova Scotia
A Reason to Hope.
The Means to Cope.
here for all of us.... kicking ‘stigma’s arse Canada style...
Facts, Symptoms & Definitions
Here are some of
the mental health and addiction issues we’re asked about most. There are many
wonderful information sources online; We have provided links to top mental
health and addiction sites.
Mental Health
We used to say that
a person had good mental health simply if they showed no signs or symptoms of a
mental illness. But in recent years, there has been a shift towards a more
holistic approach to mental health.
Today, we recognize
that good mental health is not just the absence of mental illness. Nor is it
absolute – our mental health and wellness can and does change. These
realizations are prompting a new kind of focus on mental health that helps us
to achieve and maintain good mental health.
For more information on Positive Mental Health and Mental Health Promotion visit
Mental Illness
There are different
kinds of mental disorders each characterized by different sets of symptoms that
affect how we think, feel and behave. Symptoms can include depressed mood,
extreme mood swings, disturbances in thought or perception, obsessions or
fears, or other overwhelming feelings of anxiety. Most mental disorders cannot
be definitively diagnosed with an objective medical test. Diagnosis is usually
based on self-report (what you say you are experiencing), observations by
family and friends, disturbances in your behaviour, psychological tests and the
judgment and experience of a health professional (your family doctor and/or a
specialized mental health professional such as a psychiatrist or psychologist).
Substance Use and Gambling
Substance use,
including smoking, drinking alcohol, using prescription drugs for
non-prescribed reasons, other illegal drug use and gambling problems impact
individuals, families and communities. Problems are defined by the experience
of harm and the risk of harm.
What do substance-related harms look like
Harms can be simple
or complex. They tend to pile up on one another and can quickly become
overwhelming. Below are just some of the harms that are experienced.
complaints from
family or friends about your smoking, drinking, drug use and/or gambling
driving under the
influence of alcohol, drugs or gambling
getting into legal
troubles caused by drinking, drug use or gambling
missing work
(losing your job)
mixing alcohol with
other drugs (particularly opiates or other central nervous system depressants)
continuing to use
regardless of negative consequences
fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders
sexual assault
chronic disease
(cancer, heart disease, lung disease, organ failure)
Harms are not
limited to people who use substances. It is not just an individual problem.
Societal harms include increased crime, violence, high cost of hospitalization
and health care, police and other social services, social isolation and
community disintegration.
Harm Reduction
Nova Scotia Health
Authority embraces a harm reduction approach to substance use and gambling
problems. This involves working with each individual or family to improve
health wherever possible. Abstinence can be part of a harm reduction program.
How do I know if I have a substance use or gambling
The best way to
figure out if you have an addiction problem is to ask yourself this:
Is my drinking, smoking, substance use or gambling
creating problems in my life? Is anyone I care about worried about my substance
use or gambling?
Here is are some recommended links to find out more:
Aging and Mental Health
Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Alcohol Use and Abuse
Anxiety Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorder
<coming soon>
<coming soon>
Chronic Pain
<coming soon>
<coming soon>
Concurrent Disorders
<coming soon>
<coming soon>
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Gender Identity
Men and Mental Illness
Mood Disorders
Nicotine Use and Abuse
Post Partum Depression
Pregnancy and Substance Use
Women and Alcohol
Women and Alcohol
Pregnancy and Tobacco Use
Prescription Drug Abuse
Separation and Divorce
Stress and Coping
for Addiction and Mental Health
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health-Women, Trauma & Abuse
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health-Women, Trauma & Abuse
Women and substance use
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
Youth of Teamsters Canada Launch Mental Health Campaign
Mandatory Episode 1: Role of the Government
The numbers don’t lie – Canada is facing a mental health crisis and it is affecting every aspect our society, including our workplaces and our youth. This is troubling, as young people represent our future professionals, health care providers and leaders in Canada who will be dealing with the mental...
And for the love of Rehtaeh…. And love and Do for Nathan get some contacts…. This month…
O CANADA- Child Sexual Abuse – It is
ANONYMOUS- a huntin we will go
How 2 prepare4disaster/International Disability and Senior Links/Mental
Wellness/Wheelchair/coping with disabilities proudly- RECYCLE- how 2 separate
your householdgarbage and electronic waste (thanks Kings Co. Nova Scotia) -
let’s git r done Canada... and world.... Seniors and Disabled matter- all links
provided- thx Canada-USA-UK-Aussies-Europe etc.
Domestic Violence Shelters/BULLYCIDE-BULLY HELP SITES/Homeless Shelters/UK
/Australia/Canada- u matter- MARCH 8- INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY.... One Billion
rising- breaking the chains- no more excuses- Nova Scotia honours Warrior Woman
Rita MacNeil March 8th concert of remembrance/SEPT 22- NEWSFLASH- Justice 4
Rehtaeh Parson- one of abusers pleads guilty
Canada Military News: What's happening across our nation incredible Canadian links/CANADA Social Research Links/How to find sheeeeet and how to find actual facts and information Canada style/AND- Canada voted- PM Harper did Canada proud now PM Pierre Elliott's son - Justin Trudeau will be our new PM- and Canada is thrilled and blessed imho
Canada Disability Apprenticeships- Information, Fact Sheets, getting help information and Grant Money AND BENEFITS OF EMPLOYERS WHO VALUE THE BEST WORKERS- recognizing that disabilities are simply 'abilities in disguise' /Canada disability news /links and blogs- we matter and are loved /Visible and Invisible Disabilities /We are a huge voting bloc Canada
The Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia works to improve the quality of
life for those affected by schizophrenia and psychosis through education,
support programs, influencing public policy, and encouraging research.
To quickly educate yourself about schizophrenia and
psychosis, please click here. Also, feel free to call us.
We encourage you to
visit our blog
and Facebook page to view our most up-to-date news, links and
November 13th, 2015
9:00 am to 3:45 pm
McInnes Room
Student Union Building
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
The conference logo is an original graphic
design donated by Terri Vernon, faculty member, Nova Scotia Community College,
Annapolis Valley Campus, Middleton
Michelangelo – Many historians say that
Michelangelo had significant difficulties forming social relationships and his
behavior was erratic. He was considered one of the most brilliant men to have
ever lived. He is known for being an Italian painter, architect, engineer, and
poet in the Renaissance era. Several historians hypothesize that he may have
suffered from schizophrenia
murka 2015-10-02 00:48:38 UTC #1
How people with schizophrenia
feel on daily basis, when they on medication and everything seems fine on outside.
What do they feel inside?
odiledecaray 2015-10-02 00:53:55 UTC #2
I feel alays feel alone.
2015-10-02 01:02:04 UTC #3
I feel horrible. There's no day
where I don't experience some turmoil: suicidal thoughts, disorganized
thoughts, hallucinations, delusions, emotional flatness, sadness, fear,
anxiety, apathy.
And yes this is on medication.
And I do well at playing fine.
cj9556 2015-10-02 01:19:27 UTC #4
I am very responsive to my meds.
When I am medicated, I feel just like any other person, probably. When
stressful things happen, I feel a little overwhelmed, but I can still function.
I cry a lot at things that upset me. I get excited about happy things.
When I was over-medicated, I felt
nothing. Ever.
When I am under-medicated, I tend
to have episodes of intense fear and panic, that can drive me right to the ER.
I get worried that every man I see is a rapist, and I can't stand having people
standing out of my field of vision. Then, other days. I feel totally reckless
and just want life to be a nonstop party. Every stranger is my new best friend,
and the world is made of rainbows.
LED 2015-10-02 01:24:09 UTC #5
Depends on the day and my mood.
Though usually I feel lonely and disconnected plus whatever mood I'm in. Even
when things are as well as can be expected, it's still not easy. It's hard to
relate to other people and most days I don't leave the house, so social
interaction is minimal at best. Even when I do get out I don't interact with
people. So the loneliness and disconnected feeling persists.
2015-10-02 01:30:07 UTC #6
I feel weak. I feel incomplete.
Kazuma 2015-10-02 05:31:49 UTC #7
Cold, empty. Like I could just
use a hug, but even if one came I'd still feel like I'm in a dark corner. But I
fight, every second I fight internally to find some light.
2015-10-02 05:41:50 UTC #8
alone, isolated, disconnected,
distorted, contorted, misplaced, lost, wild, unguided, bored, crazy, depressed
& addicted to smokes.
2015-10-02 05:57:14 UTC #9
I have schizophrenia.I used to
feel awful everyday even when I am on antipsychotic.I believe I have grown out
of that phase,now j feel much more closer to normal but I would say it takes
hard work and support for me to reach where I am now,I am confident I wouldn't
drop back if I continue to put in work and move forward
2015-10-02 05:59:31 UTC #10

life is like in automatic mode and I keep thinking fewer times that I need to
get into manual mode and want to be a winner and live for eternity... fewer
times because most of the time this is what happens...

keep getting Science Fiction + Super Heroes + Super Villians + Cold War + World
Wars + Pulling my leg + Torture - Drilling into the body + Enemies + Lost the True
Mother + Lost the true Father as if current parents are unreal etc thoughts
Edit: RAPE toooooo
This is how I feel...
Minnii 2015-10-02 08:04:49 UTC #11
I swing between depression,
feelings of happiness because I know I can live with this and anxiety. Very
crimby 2015-10-02 09:09:00 UTC #12
I feel demoralized at times. I do
have some hope, but it is a hope on something way off in the future. Really, in
the final analysis, my illness is just a great big bore - to be so overwhelmed
by things that are really nothing. I know it's a bore, and that the things that
bother me are basically meaningless, but I can't stop being bothered by them.
mjseu 2015-10-02 09:12:01 UTC #13
Depends on a day, but sometimes I
feel loneliness.
murka 2015-10-02 14:14:37 UTC #14
Thank you a lot, I try my best to
entertain him, funny stories, pictures, I have a website, all to make him
happy, does it make difference
turningthepage 2015-10-02 14:22:05 UTC #15
I feel I feel with a sense of
resilience. My whole life I have been miserable, but I have just accepted that
as the way it is. Now my medication is finally at the right dose and I feel
like I never realized how miserable I was. I just accepted that's the way it's
supposed to be my whole life.
If I had cancer it wouldn't
compare to SZ or SZA. I told my mom that psychotic disorders are the worst
thing and she said "What about cancer? Would you like to have
cancer?" And i said "Maybe I wish I did have cancer, that way I would
be dying."
I don't feel that way anymore.
But I've felt that way many a times in the past.
To answer your question, it makes
a slight difference but don't expect them to jump for joy at your kind attempts
at entertaining him. You are a kind person for doing all that, but at certain
stages in this illness, we may be very tough to please. I'm still pretty flat
effect when I'm presented with a gift or something like that.
2015-10-02 15:01:06 UTC #16
Anxious and now paranoia has made
a return after being absent for a while. Incapable of doing anything
complicated, that others might take for granted.
2015-10-02 16:13:52 UTC #17
Thanks to all of you who are
sharing their experience.
Leo333 2015-10-02 16:18:41 UTC #18
I feel like I'm in limbo a lot.
Like I'm a ghost or something
mistercollie 2015-10-02 18:29:30 UTC #19
I'm actually fine, mentally, just
not where I want to be physically. I have hyper-manic dreams that shock me back
into reality & when I go for walks I am hyper-sensitive to the visual
aesthetics of nature (light, colors, details, sound) that I am sometimes
overwhelmed by the beauty of it all and will start weeping.
This is med-free, by the way.
While medicated I noticed no difference with symptoms & was overburdened by
painful side effects.
2015-10-02 18:32:23 UTC #20
When I was on zyprexa, I felt sad
and to debilitaded and tranquilized to do anything about it. Lots of melancholy
People and Schizophrenia
There are
relatively few famous people with schizophrenia because schizophrenia is a
brain disorder that typically strikes people when they are quite young - age
17 to 28. People this age typically are too young to be famous, they are just
starting out their professional lives after completing high school or
college. A recent Nobel Laureate in Economics, John Forbes Nash Jr., has a lifetime history of Schizophrenia but is now doing very well, as has been well documented in the book "A Beautiful Mind" and the academy award-winning movie of the same name. Many "historical diagnoses" are frequently not entirely certain -- a "good guess" for schizophrenia includes Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of President Abraham Lincoln. Following is a list of famous people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, or are highly suspected of suffering (or who had suffered) from schizophrenia.
CANADA MILITARY NEWS- Kitchen Cures- old fashioned safe remedies HEALING AND CLEANING/Hey guys and gals-.everyday sheet in ur house cleans better than $$crap
Clara Hughes CANADIAN
OLYMPIAN-Mental Health Matters in Canada- Finishes Bike Ride -July 3
update-from the mouths of the children- JUNE 26 UPDATE- CANADA DAY'S
MENTAL HEALTH FOLKS- send her tweets of support and love- Hey it’s Canada
–Mental Health matters. NEWS UPDATES-Teen/Youth/PTSD/Abuse/Bullying stuff /Our
Olympian Clara's completes journey 4mentalheal-let's talk-July 1- Clara's in
Ottawa CANADA DAY 2014/SEPT 24 NS RCMP- preventing violent encounters -respect
homeless and psychiatric problems DO LIST
Mental Health and Addiction Services, Annapolis Valley
Hours of Operation8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
For Emergency Services
Call 9-1-1, call the Mental Health Crisis Line (24/7) at 1-888-429-8167 or go to the nearest Emergency Department.Emergency Crisis Help
- See more
Contact Us
Mental Health and Addiction Services, Annapolis Valley
Hours of Operation8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays)
For Emergency Services
Call 9-1-1, call the Mental Health Crisis Line (24/7) at 1-888-429-8167 or go to the nearest Emergency Department.Locations
5 Chipman Drive
Kentville, NS B4N 3V7
5 Chipman Drive
Kentville, NS B4N 3V7
Satellite Services
EKM Community Health Centre
23 Earnscliffe Avenue, Wolfville
EKM Community Health Centre
23 Earnscliffe Avenue, Wolfville
Valley Regional Hospital
150 Exhibition Street, Kentville
150 Exhibition Street, Kentville
WKM Health Centre
121 Orchard Street, Berwick
121 Orchard Street, Berwick
Soldiers Memorial Hospital
462 Main Street, P. O. Box 728/730,
Middleton, NS B0S 1P0
462 Main Street, P. O. Box 728/730,
Middleton, NS B0S 1P0
Satellite Service
Annapolis Royal Community Health Centre
821 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal
Annapolis Royal Community Health Centre
821 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal
Provincial Contact Numbers
EASTERN ZONE (Cape Breton, Guysborough, Antigonish and Strait area)Addiction Services Central Intake: 902-563-2583
Addiction Programs-Adult: 902-567-2590
Addiction Services Toll free (Cape Breton): 1-877-567-0632
Inpatient Withdrawal Management (Detox Unit)
Community Based Services
Health Promotion, Prevention & Education
Opiate Recovery Program
Addiction Services Toll free (Antigonish-Guysborough-Strait): 1-888-291-3535
Inpatient Withdrawal Management (Detox Unit)
Community Based Services
Mental Health Services toll free:
1-877-567-7730Emergency Crisis Service: 902-567-7767
Caperbase/Access 808: 902-539-7233
Child & Adolescent Services: 902-567-7731
Mental Health Central Intake: 902-567-7736
Crossroads-Clubhouse: 902-567-7961
Health Promotion and Prevention: 902-563-8646
Mental Health (Adult): 902-567-7730
Rural Mental Health & Addiction Services (Inverness): 902-258-1911
Intensive Community Based Treatment Team: 902-563-8502
Mental Health Glace Bay Clinic: 902-849-4413
Mental Health New Waterford Clinic: 902-862-7195
Mental Health North Sydney Clinic: 902-794-8551
Adult Mental Health (Antigonish, Guysborough, Strait): 902-867-4500 ext.4345
NORTHERN ZONE(Cumberland, Pictou and Colchester)
- Mental Health: 902-667-3879
- Addictions Services: 902-667-7094
- Withdrawal Management: 902-597-8647
- Mental Health Services: 902-755-1137
- Community Based (Outpatient) Offices:902-893-5526 or 1-800-460-2110, ext. 45526
- Provide a range of services to individuals and families. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm with some evening hours.
- Emergency - Crisis Service: (902) 896-2606 or 1-800-460-2110 ext. 42606
- 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday to Thursday (subject to change)
- 9:00 am – 4:30 pm, Friday (subject to change)
Addictions Services Central Intake: 902-424-8866 or toll free 1-866-340-6700
Mental Health and Addictions Navigator – Brad Rowe, Healthy Minds Cooperative, 902-404-3504, ext 201
Community Mental Health Services (5 locations):
- Bayers Road Community Mental Health: 902-454-1400
- Bedford/Sackville Community Mental Health: 902-865-3663
- Cole Harbour/Eastern HRM Community Mental Health: 902-434-3263
- Dartmouth Community Mental Health: 902-466-1830
- West Hants Community Mental Health: 902-792-2042
IWK Central Referral: 902-464-4110
Feedback/Concerns: 1-855-495-2273 or
Other Contacts
Nova Scotia Website- Provincial Mental Health Clinics (all ages)
NSHA Feedback/Concerns: 1-855-799-0990 or
- See more at:
VALLEY HELPFUL LINKS-(902) 678-5760.-
Revised April, 2015
Mental Wellness Partners Group
To suggest corrections
1701 ext 2875
Current version can be found at
Services listed for information only, does not imply
endorsement by the MWPG
Need Help Now?
Crisis Response Services
Mental Health,
Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling
4:30pm 902-679-2870
NS Mental Health Crisis Line
Poison Control
Medical, Police, or Fire
food need,
Wolfville area
St. Vincent de Paul
Inn from the Cold
Nov-Apr) Kings County
or call police
Open Arms
emergency food, clothing, shelter
Kids Help Phone
-call 811
Registered Nurses
Mental Illness
Mental illnesses can take many
forms, just as physical illnesses do. Mental illnesses are still feared and
misunderstood by many people, but the fear will disappear as people learn more
about them. If you, or someone you know, has a mental illness, there is good
news: all mental illnesses can be treated.
In this section, you will learn
about mental illnesses — which can also be called psychiatric disorders — and
their treatment. You will also find helpful resources that provide more
information to further your understanding of mental illness at the CMHA national website.
A story of determination: Horton grad Kevin Penny guest speaker at Tools for Life conference
Published on October 23, 2015
GREENWICH - It's been 20 years since Kevin Penny graduated from the old
Horton High School. On Oct. 23, he came full circle when he returned as the
keynote speaker for the 10th annual Tools for Life Conference and
Exhibit.“It's funny to come back and share my story,” he said from the stage.
Penny had been a typical 15-year-old, very active with sports and always looking for a new challenge. One October evening, while out for a ride with his sister, the brakes of their tandem bicycle failed. Penny swerved to avoid traffic, but went head first into a ditch, suffering a severe spinal injury.
He speaks candidly about the accident as old photos appear on a screen behind him, flashing from a young child to a youth in a hospital bed.
“I grew up very quickly,” Penny says of life after his accident, crediting his determination as his key to success.
He graduated from Horton in 1995 and went on to Saint Mary's University to earn a Bachelor of Commerce degree.
“I wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I couldn't get any money to become an entrepreneur,” he jokes.
After graduation, Penny found that many doors had closed for him in the world of employment. He now faced the challenge of not only demonstrating what skills and knowledge he could offer an employer, but he found himself also having to prove that he was able to do so, despite his mobility challenges.
In 2002, he obtained a summer position with the Department of Education, as a wage subsidy program manager, and was hired on in 2005 as a full-time co-ordinator of disability services. He now assists students with disabilities to access the supports and services they need while they work towards a post-secondary education.
Penny speaks of the changes over the past 25 years in accessibility with admiration across multiple fields. He credits the work done by universities throughout the province, saying that students with any disability imaginable can be accommodated on campuses and in programs. Accessible transportation, he says, is an immense benefit in the form of buses and accessible taxis.
“Lack of transportation can close what opportunities are available,” he says.
Even recreation has opened up, thanks to technological advances. Penny is now a competitive sailboat racer.
Penny stresses that improvements to accessibility aren't just good for people with disabilities, but that they are good for a community as a whole. While noting that costs can be high in the short term, he says the benefits are significant in the long term by opening up a business.
“My family goes to those businesses that we can go to,” he says.
“What we need is a change of attitude on disability. Disability affects us all in one way or another,” he adds, indicating that many seniors face increasing challenges as they age.
To all of the students that he works with, Penny has this to say: “Tragic things can happen, but there are opportunities. Even though you can have a severe disability, there are programs and resources to help you live a fulfilled life.”
Penny is living proof of this, a testament to what can be accomplished with determination, an open mind and a good sense of humour.
Message from the Minister
of Health 1 ... Seniors Guide to Federal
Programs and Services has been ..... The
Division of Aging and Seniors at Health Canada
works to make sure knowledge
.... Internet:
1. Aging at Home - Seniors Guide Online
out any pain or balance issues with a doctor and make sure they are using canes
or walkers,
... senior
center in your town for ... worked so hard
to make, in ...
This guide is reviewed and changed each year to help meet
your needs. .... For More Information call 1-800-670-0065, e-mail or visit ..... went online and renewed from the
comfort of their home.
THE EDITOR...Nova Scotia
Lonely without pets
There are many older people living alone in assisted
living; some feel safe, some feel lonely, others get by, day by day. We cannot
even have a cat or small dog for company. All I ask is to give us a chance to
prove we can look after a pet. When it comes to the point where we cannot,
then, and only then, should we have to let our pet go.
Please give us a chance for some company, which
serves as therapy as well. We are still human.
Dan Huntley, Truro
Mental health
checkAbout 11 per cent of Canadians will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives. As a precaution, thousands of women go for regular mammograms. Almost double the number of Canadians (20 per cent) will be personally affected by a mental illness, yet the stigma around such a topic leaves these one in five Canadians silenced.
We all have mental and physical health, but what are we more likely to speak out about? When you go for a checkup, does your doctor ask how you have been feeling emotionally lately? Almost half of Canadians who feel they may suffer from depression or anxiety have never spoken to a doctor about it. We need to first realize that something needs to be done.
I have gathered the following statistics from
• Mental illness indirectly affects 100 per cent of Canadians at some time, through a family member, friend or colleague.
•Approximately eight per cent of adults will experience major depression at some time in their lives.
• Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women from adolescence to middle age.
• In Canada, only one out of five children who need mental health services receives them.
So where have we gone wrong? Do we need to further encourage Canadians to speak up about their mental health? Is the answer to implement a policy where doctors should have to speak to patients about their mental well-being and ensure that their patients are receiving treatment as needed? I’d like to think that these things would make a difference, and that it is up to us to make such changes possible.
Hannah Smith, age 14, Port Hawkesbury
Guards were top-notch
Re: the Oct. 28 letter from the Nova Scotia Home Care
Alliance, “Better patient watchers.” It was necessary to have security
personnel with me on occasion while I was a patient at the Aberdeen Hospital in
New Glasgow and at Truro hospital, and the service they provided was excellent.
The letter stated it cost more than $8,000 per day to
monitor patients, but it did not state how many hospitals or institutions this
represented in the province. I also had to use the services of a home care
agency from New Glasgow in my home; it certainly did not compare to the care I
received in hospital.
The commissionaires and the private company at the
hospital when I was a patient were top-notch and I do not think conditions
could improve by shifting their duties to personal-care workers, at least at
our local hospital in Pictou County. One could not ask for better service than
the security guards offered, not to mention the nursing staff at the Aberdeen and
Truro hospitals.
Dick Chisholm, New Glasgow
ISIS is also the primary
contact in Nova Scotia on refugee, settlement
and ... worked hard on this project, always showing patience, respect and genuine ....
Researchers did a national scan
of six cities comparable to Halifax in size to
...... Outreach to seniors and navigation aids so that senior
immigrants would know what.
1. Small towns can offer big savings for retirees | Financial ...
can offer big savings ... small towns with close
proximity to major cities so they ... for your hard
earned dollars so that is why retiring ...
1. Cape Breton seniors say phone book print too small to read ...
group of Cape Breton seniors are speaking out about the new
phones ... when the new book arrived and she had a hard
time ... could aid Nova Scotia read ...
Page 1. Information. Please... A Guide to .... Canada
Mortgage & Housing Corporation Programs: Home Adaptation for Seniors' Independence. .....
Yukon Council on Aging. ... You can also use the My Service Canada
Account online service.
In PEI, each property with a building on it has a Civic Address
so the 911 system can locate .... will arise
because of the aging of our population. One
clearly ... I also invite you to call our new
toll-free Seniors' Line, 1-866-770-0588, and
talk with staff ... The Prince Edward
Island Seniors' Guide is one of the ways the Seniors'.
The Nova Scotia Seniors' Secretariat, in partnership
with the Halifax Regional ... aging population to stay active
so they can live in security, enjoy good
health and continue to .... seniors must navigate their way around when going
out in winter. .... that make life in Halifax difficult for seniors, and suggestions for
A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario
Order your copy
ServiceOntario Publications or call 1-888-910-1999 and the Seniors' INFOline will help you.
the guide (PDF) or view it in:ServiceOntario Publications or call 1-888-910-1999 and the Seniors' INFOline will help you.
Chapters (PDFs)
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A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario is your resource for information about programs and services available to Ontario's seniors. It is produced by the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat and distributed by ServiceOntario Publications.
ISBN 978-1-4606-1089-3 (HTML)
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ISBN 978-1-4606-1088-6 (Print)
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About the
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- Calendar of Events
- List of Major Seniors Organizations
- Publications and Resources
- Seniors' Guide
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and Transportation
Pensions, Tax Credits and Benefits
- Government Pensions
- Housing Tax Credits and Benefits
- Ontario's Tax Credits and Benefits
- Pensions and Benefits for Veterans
and Wellness
- Advance Care Planning
- Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
- Health Care Programs and Services
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Home and
Community
Community Links gratefully
acknowledges the support of the NS Department
of Health and Wellness. 1. UPFRONT
... We try to help seniors navigate through
the system. ... living in their own
homes find it hard to cover the costs of ....
when their resources are so seriously ... go places where he has to strain to
hear. Cindy is ...
17 Oct 2014 ... Navigating any provincial health system and its
social services for the elderly is no easy feat. ... who was hard of hearing, in French when she only spoke
English. ... With so many people no longer driving in my parents'
neighbourhood, .... Syrup, from a farm in Nova Scotia and in such flavours as
cinnamon, ...
eldercare challenge: Making Montreal more friendly to seniors
Published on: October 30, 2015 | Last Updated:
October 30, 2015 6:09 PM EDT
Quebec's eldercare challenge: Families unprepared to navigate the system
Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat
Seniors Guides and Publications
The Seniors and Healthy Aging produces a number of publications on a wide range of topics of interest to seniors, their family members and caregivers. Please review the list of publications and note which are available on-line only and which are available in print as well. Click here to order publications online.- Manitoba Seniors Guide 2014/15 (172 pages)
Note: this pdf can be listened to using the Adobe Read Out Loud option. To do so, 1) download the document and save it to your computer, 2) open the document using the latest version of Adobe Reader (if you do not have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can download it here), 3) activate the Read Out Loud option in Adobe Reader by clicking on View > Read Out Loud > Activate Read Out Loud. - Caregiver Recognition Act Report 2013/14
- Inventory
for Caregivers in Manitoba
- A Guide for the Caregiver (48 pages)
- Safety for Seniors Fact Sheets (6 pages)
- Age Friendly Manitoba (12 pages)
- Emergency Information for Seniors (32 pages) - online
- A Legal Information Guide for Seniors (72 pages)
- Questions to Ask Your Doctor and Pharmacist (35 pages)
- online only
- Deceased Estate Handbook
Partner Publications:
- Older and Wiser Driver
(online only)
- Older and Wiser Driver
Online Rating Form (online only)
- Aging in Place - Housing Options for Older Manitobans (online only)
- Profile of Manitoba Seniors 2010 (online only)
If you require a Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat publication in an alternative format, please contact the Secretariat for assistance.
Please contact us at:1610 - 155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8
Phone: 204-945-2127
Toll-free: 1-800-665-6565
Seniors Information Line:
In Winnipeg: 204-945-6565
Toll-free: 1-800-665-6565
Seniors Guides and Publications
Seniors and Healthy Aging produces a number of publications on a wide range of
topics of interest to seniors, their family members and caregivers.
Please review the list of publications and note which are available on-line
only and which are available in print as well. Click here
to order publications online.
- Manitoba Seniors Guide 2014/15 (172 pages)
Note: this pdf can be listened to using the Adobe Read Out Loud option. To do so, 1) download the document and save it to your computer, 2) open the document using the latest version of Adobe Reader (if you do not have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can download it here), 3) activate the Read Out Loud option in Adobe Reader by clicking on View > Read Out Loud > Activate Read Out Loud. - Caregiver Recognition Act Report 2013/14
- Inventory
for Caregivers in Manitoba
- A Guide for the Caregiver (48 pages)
- Safety for Seniors Fact Sheets (6 pages)
- Age Friendly Manitoba (12 pages)
- Emergency Information for Seniors (32 pages) -
online only
- A Legal Information Guide for Seniors (72 pages)
- Questions to Ask Your Doctor and Pharmacist (35 pages) -
online only
- Deceased Estate Handbook
Partner Publications:
- Older and Wiser Driver (online only)
- Older and Wiser
Driver Online Rating Form (online only)
- Aging in Place - Housing Options for Older Manitobans (online only)
- Profile of Manitoba Seniors 2010 (online only)
If you require a Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat publication in an alternative format, please contact the Secretariat for assistance.
Please contact us at:
- 155 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8
Phone: 204-945-2127
Toll-free: 1-800-665-6565
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8
Phone: 204-945-2127
Toll-free: 1-800-665-6565
Seniors Information Line:
In Winnipeg: 204-945-6565
Toll-free: 1-800-665-6565
In Winnipeg: 204-945-6565
Toll-free: 1-800-665-6565
Download PDF
- BC
Seniors' Guide (PDF)
English version, 10th edition (2012)
Translated PDF versions of the 10th
edition of the BC Seniors' Guide are also available:
- French version, 10th edition (2012) (PDF)
- Chinese version, 10th edition (2012) (PDF)
- Punjabi version, 10th edition (2012) (PDF)
Can't open or see the PDF files? PDF
files can be viewed with the free software:
Order Print Copies
To order a free print copy of the
10th edition of the BC Seniors' Guide in English, French, Chinese or
Punjabi, contact the Office of the Seniors Advocate,
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
• Call
toll-free: 1-877-952-3181
• In Victoria,
call: 250-952-3181
Note: The 10th edition of the BC
Seniors' Guide was printed in 2012. Information may change from the time of
Related Information
Much of the information in the guide
can be found here on this website. Try looking at the following sections:
- Planning for Healthy Aging
- Health and Safety
- Housing
- Home and Community Care
- Transportation
- Financial and Legal Matters
BC Elders' Guide
The First Nations Health Authority
and the Ministry of Health worked together to produce the first edition of the
BC Elders’ Guide. This unique health and lifestyle resource is based on the BC
Seniors’ Guide and is specifically designed for First Nations and Aboriginal
To obtain a print copy of the BC
Elder’s Guide, please contact the First Nations Health Authority at
604-693-6500 or toll free 1-866-913-0033.
Quebec's eldercare challenge: No one tells you how hard it is, caregivers say
eldercare challenge: A crisis comes of age
eldercare challenge: A hidden army of caregivers is in crisis
The Canada
Revenue Agency website (
) lists all appoved software that can be used to NETFILE. The return will get
processed faster than filing a paper copy.
& Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on
Table of Contents
CANADA- my hero Romeo Dallaire...
imperative: Romeo Dallaire addresses sold-out Annapolis Valley crowd
GREENWICH - Romeo Dallaire wants us to consider the meaning of humanity.Citing an example from his time in Rwanda as Head of United Nations troops in during the 1994 genocide, the former senator shared his belief humans from all continents are equal when speaking Oct. 21 at Horton High School.
Dallaire described stopping a convoy to pick up a little boy, about seven years old, standing not far from a pile of massacred bodies. His stomach was bloated, he was dressed in tatters and filthy dirty, but, looking into the boys' eyes, Dallaire found they were identical to the eyes of his own seven-year-old son back home.
In Greenwich, he began his speech to more than 500 people by talking about rape. Dallaire said not every child soldier carries a gun.
“It’s from porters to carrying ammunition, to carrying water to ultimately being sex slaves and bush wives,” he said.
Dallaire’s consuming passion these days is fighting the use of children as weapons of war.
These are not the patriotic 16-year-olds who lied about their age to join the army in World War II, he pointed out. These are children, often in refugee camps without schooling, who find themselves recruited by adults into cheap, plentiful soldiers.
Why do we respond to amber alerts for missing children when the world is full of amber alert? he asked.
Warfare today, he said, cannot be sustained if a conflict employs only adult soldiers. Some 50 groups in seven countries are employing child soldiers," Dallaire said.
“We are stumbling into a new era,” he said. The Geneva Convention world of the Cold War has turned into an era of internal wars and terrorist actions perpetrated by individuals who have no humanitarian considerations, he said.
Is it any wonder, he said, that post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) is on the rise among military personnel who have endured such conditions ?
Dallaire saw this for himself in Rwanda, where Hutu plans to eradicate the Tutsis were drawn up by soldiers but executed by youth. They killed more than 800,000 in the 100 days of the genocide, he said.
Another powerful story Dallaire recalled, concerned a Canadian unit in Rwanda of men no more than 18 to 20 years of age. They came upon a pile of the bodies of women and girls who had been raped, mutilated and massacred. The soldiers realized that a few remained alive.
They probably would have died anyway, Dallaire said, and - with a 30 per cent risk of contracting the HIV virus - even attempting to ease their pain was dangerous. Nevertheless, while their leaders debated, the soldiers instinctively reached out to offer what comfort they could to the dying women.
Taking action
Prevention seems the wisest course to solve the problem of child soldiers, Dallarie said.
Supporting education is imperative, Dallaire added, and all actions must be undertaken with an attitude of respect.
“When I look at the younger generation in across our country, I see they’re already global. They have already mastered that technology,” he said.
Go start a non-governmental organization, Dallaire told his youthful audience, then describing a visit he had from three members of Clowns Without Borders, an NGO that works in refugee camps to teach children to laugh and have hope.
Dallaire put PTSD on the map. During the genocide, he refused to flee, placing the lives of 32,000 people foremost. He acknowledged his many years of psychiatric treatment, attempted suicide and said what nurtures him is reaching out to a “generation without borders, the under 25-year-olds who are engaged in in the world.
"I want to nurture the belief in human rights. We’re all equal.”
The Roméo Dallaire Child Soldier Initiative, which will receive the proceeds from Dallaire’s talk, works with Dalhousie University to battle the abuse of human beings.
Here’s how 2 use the Internet TEXT language and Emoticons
darlins/love2AllOlympiansSochi/God blessrTroops
Seniors dying/burial/living in poverty $$$- IN CANADA-NOVA SCOTIA- Don't be afraid- God loves us old sinners- getting prepared-write ur own obit- find out $$$ 4 burial 4 poor folks/Women- ur rights/Pensions- Income- LIVING IN POVERTY HELP- One Billion Rising- girls and women matter Nova Scotia and Canada
Seniors of Nova Scotia and
Canada-u kick the bucket who does family call Canada?/Dying suddenly what about
ur pets?/bagged tagged and burnt- getcha will done babe/Nova Scotia
Gov./Federal Gov/Blogs/how 2 make it easy with wills if u die suddenly vs no
will /When u die-what happens 2 ur websites/ stories and humour/4 those u give
CANADIAN SENIORS ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF-12 Monthly 4wk cheat 2 full weeks- same 4 poverty systems- O Canada- Nova Scotia?? This is soooo 60s and this is 2014!!1 Fix it or lose our votes in 2015/Sept 25- Holy Sheeeeet Sherlock -Linda McQuaing's IPOLITICS article- real war over inequality isn't between old and young- awesome/Sep. 25- OLD AGE... POPULATIONS GLOBALLY- AND YOUTH - GLOBAL MAPS OF AGES 2014... O Canada, Africa has all the young ones and a bit Middle East - world is changing
CANADIAN SENIORS ARE GETTING RIPPED OFF-12 Monthly 4wk cheat 2 full weeks- same 4 poverty systems- O Canada- Nova Scotia?? This is soooo 60s and this is 2014!!1 Fix it or lose our votes in 2015/Sept 25- Holy Sheeeeet Sherlock -Linda McQuaing's IPOLITICS article- real war over inequality isn't between old and young- awesome/Sep. 25- OLD AGE... POPULATIONS GLOBALLY- AND YOUTH - GLOBAL MAPS OF AGES 2014... O Canada, Africa has all the young ones and a bit Middle East - world is changing
SENIORS- PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES- Nova Scotia Canada- Global hits-NOVA SCOTIA SENIORS How 2 prepare4disaster/International Disability and Senior Links/Mental Wellness/Wheelchair/coping with disabilities proudly- RECYCLE- how 2 separate your householdgarbage and electronic waste (thanks Kings Co. Nova Scotia) - let’s git r done Canada... and world.... Seniors and Disabled matter- all links provided- thx Canada-USA-UK-Aussies-Europe etc.
Canadian Government Programs for Seniors, what exists
today ... government...seniors/... Cached
Canadian Government
Programs for Seniors including up to date ... How does the Canada Health Act
treat ... Wages and conditions differ from province to province for ..
Canada Military News: PTSD- Mental
Illness -Self-Care Masterpost Help Sites/ Hey here's some help sites and blogs
- PTSD, Bullycides, child abuse/homeless/ helplines/ CANADA'S STEPPIN UP to
kick the ass of stigma around mental illness - about time/ F**KING
PAEDOPHILES... a hunting we will go/Canada troops -movie oct 5- HYENA ROAD
(Afghanistan) Paul Gross/September 11- Canada court sets terrorist KHADR
FREE... Canadians gonna vote hard - welcome back HARPER /libraries r
cool/Canada'sWounded Warriors -incredible abilities /global suicide hotlines
Canada Military News-Military Suicides- Canada troop suicides over 158/USA soldier suicides over 22 a day/Australia soldier suicides over 200/UK soldiers suicides over 500/Send Up The Count-PTSD/SUICIDE- Help Lines/Videos/Blogs/links /Canada suicide help lines/Nato stories of despair and no help /November 1, 2015
PM Harper has served Canada honourably and well... and yes voted for change and
time the youngbloods step up and take the reins of our Canada and imho Trudeau
this old lady is well aware that in 2008 PM Harper saved us from the USA/EU/IMF
greed of banks and wallstreet who stole our pocketbooks around the world... and
Peter Mackay who walked the talk for our troops when u could NOT find another
politician who gave a sheeeeet.....
Harper will do well..... and is truly loved and respected by millions and
millions of Canadians and was feared and respected by China and Russia .... and
we all know it. PM Trudeau will do well.... God loves Canada and Canadians...
this is a wonderful surprise from the beautiful loved Bah'ai nation.....
and the 5 ruling nations kiss Iran's Ass.... and then have the audacity to put
down Russia and China's human rights? Canadian Journalist who happened to b
Iranian as well.... came home with the most vicious rape, tortured and beaten
remains ever seen from another country. Let's not get started on Nedas (2009)
and the absolute hatred by the Persian snake of any OTHER Muslim belief ... and
determination to harness women and abuse gays, unions and on and on.... Well
good luck with that.
Harper u did us well in hard, hard years .... and PM Trudeau will do us well in
the future.... because -like u... he loves his children ... and always...
CANADA AND CANADIANS FIRST... that's my story and i'm sticking to it. God bless
our troops.... Old momma Nova.
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