Wednesday, February 22, 2017

ELDER SPEAK: How to find direction in your life- happiness- peace of mind- #WearPinkDay - dump #ToxicMedia u - How u pick yourself up and know your hugged and loved - each and every one of ya- #TheBullyProject #BellLetsTalk #PTSD Listen more - kiss the sky, touch the trees - smile ELDER ADVICE- we need u

You wake up every morning to fight the demons you fought the day before. And that, my dear, is bravery.

Quote: If they think education is expensive, try ignorance Couch Carter


 Anne Murray 19883 - A Little Good News - President Bush Senior's Fav song.... and ours..


Just nibblin. via /r/aww


Tips for Dealing with Mental Health Problems
1. Know what your triggers are – certain people, comments or situations – and try to avoid those as much as possible. Be especially alert to anything or anyone that causes your mood to plummet.
2. Focus on the things you enjoy doing in life rather than on things that create pressure and stress. Make sure you schedule time for these in your day – even if it’s only a 10 minute workout or reading a few pages of your magazine or book.
3. Make a playlist of favourite songs that lift your mood, or that help to calm your mind.
4. Establish a support network – good friends and family members who will be there for you, no matter what. Don’t be afraid to reach out to, and contact, these people if you feel you are spiralling down.
5. Choose to spend time with positive, accepting, nurturing people – and stay away from people who don’t understand, or are critical of, mental health concerns.
6. Try and get some exercise as it releases “feel good” hormones and can change the way you feel. Also, pay attention to the kinds of foods you eat.
7. Establish and respect your own personal boundaries. We all have limits – and that includes you, as well. Don’t be afraid to withdraw, or to say “no”. It’s good to know yourself, and to know when “it’s enough”.
8. Be gentle, kind and understanding with yourself. Don’t be harsh, unrealistic or hypercritical. You are fighting a hard battle – so be there for yourself!


If they think education is expensive- try ignorance Couch Carter (Ken Carter Basketball Couch Richmond High School)

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new- Socrates


Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.
Jesse Jackson


7 Keys to Happiness
Worry less; laugh more
Speak less; listen more
Judge less; accept more
Crticise less; encourage more
Fear less; try more
Take less; give more
Hate less; love more.

How to Find Direction in your Life
1. Keep a journal where you record all your different thoughts, feelings and ideas. Look for patterns and consistency – ideas that grab you and get stronger over time.
2. Explore new passions, interests and hobbies. Some of those will stick and intensify; others will slowly fade and disappear.
3. Step outside your comfort zone and try and break with your old routine. That will lead you in different directions, release creative thoughts, and spark some fresh ideas.
4. Talk to people to get different perspectives, and listen to their feedback, and points of view.
5. Have the self-confidence to listen to your heart, and work of developing your creativity.
6. Review your current goals – and how much they mean to you. Ask yourself: Do you still feel motivated, energised and inspired?
7. Surround yourself with people who are optimistic, positive, affirming, and who want the best for you. Also, it may help to widen your circle of friends as that helps to uncover different aspects of yourself.


15 Important Life Lessons
1. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at your mistakes.
2. Life is too short it to waste it on resentments, bitterness or grudges you’re holding against others.
3. You don’t have to win every argument and fight. Sometimes it’s OK to just agree to disagree.
4. Make peace with your past - then let it go, and move on.
5. Choose to go after what brings you happiness.
6. Don’t compare yourself to others.
7. It doesn’t really matter what others think about you – just live your own life and be true to who you are.
8. Life isn’t always fair – but sometimes good things happen, too!
9. Try to ignore your feelings – and keep taking the next step.
10. Ask for what you want.
11. Don’t suffer in silence – reach out for support.
12. Everything changes.
13. Be willing to experiment and try something new.
14. The most important thing is to love and be loved.
15. Believe that the best is yet to come.

If you suffer from depression …
1. Instead of attacking yourself for how you feel, and demanding that you change, and “improve” who you are, be compassionate and caring and kind towards yourself.
2. Remind yourself this struggle is NOT something you chose. It’s something that’s unwanted, and is hard to fight against.
3. Don’t look to other people to help, and bolster, you. They also have their struggles, so their help is limited.
4. Our feelings are affected by a lot of different things – and that affects our thinking – so our thinking’s often wrong!
5. Feelings often hit us for no apparent reason – so if we’ll just be patient, we may find they’ll change again.
6. Remember you are loveable and truly valuable. Don’t listen to your feelings, and the lies you hear them speak.
7. Do something that distracts you – like some work or exercise – but don’t add too much pressure while you’re feeling low and weak.

How to Break Free of Comparisons with Others
1. It starts with a decision – a decision to live your own life, and be your own person. That is, respect and value who you are. Believe in your personal choices and decisions. Don’t live your life to please somebody else.
2. Try and grasp the fact that we’re all very different and we all want and value different things. It’s perfectly OK to be someone who’s athletic, or someone who wants to do well in school, or someone who wants to have a great career, or someone who is noticed for their beauty and style. Just don’t be swayed by the opinions of others, or give up your dreams because they’re criticised.
3. Understand that we all have different beginnings, and different advantages, and life experiences. You can’t compare your journey with anybody else - your path and your journey is specific to you. (Also, you may have overcome enormous obstacles to get to the place you are at today.)
4. Take the time and effort to find out what you like, enjoy, get a kick from, or are passionate about. It may help if you travel – or you spend some time with those who have different views and outlooks from your current social group. (That may help you discover other parts of who you are – which you weren’t aware of till you left your group behind.)
5. Think about the people you tend to hang around. Do they tend to pass comments, or be highly critical? If they do, it may be hard for you to simply be yourself (as you know that they will judge you, and talk about you, too). If that is the case, you may want to change your group, or try to develop some other, different, friends.

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.
Kurt Cobain
Thx onlinecounsellingcollege at tumblr


8 Myths about Happiness
1. I don’t deserve to be happy.
2. It’s selfish to want to be happy, or to prioritise your own happiness.
3. Others will find me irritating, and won’t want to be around me.
4. If I’m happy something bad will happen.
5. People will think I am superficial or not very smart. They won’t take me seriously.
6. I’d be happy if only I could have ….
7. Other people, or external circumstances, determine my level of happiness.
8. Misery’s more comfortable than happiness.

Angry is just sad’s bodyguard.
Liz Palmer

Depression is like having an abusive relationship with yourself.

How to Maintain your Motivation
1. Set realistic and achievable goals. These should be something that appeal to you as it’s hard to go after another person’s goals.
2. Think of meaningful ways to reward your progress.
3. Expect to have set-backs and encounter obstacles. When that happens, focus your mind and renew your determination. Refuse to give up.
4. Decide to remain a positive thinker. Refuse to ever stop believing in yourself. When you feel discouraged, decide that you’ll fight on.
5. Share your goals with others, and seek encouragement when you’re finding it hard to keep going on your own.
6. Practice saying no to other options and distractions that may seem appealing – but distract you from your goal.
7. Post inspirational quotes in places you can see to encourage you to work to achieve your goal.
8. Practice self care so you don’t burn out. You need to pace yourself if you are going to reach your goal.

6 Ingredients of Good Friendships
1. Genuineness. Friends “like” each other. There should be nothing fake about friendship. These healthy relationships are rooted in love, the bonds of which are trustworthy. It is never about what either party stands to gain, but all about just having that person in our lives. Friends are dependable and protective of each other’s interests.
2. Non judgmental: Friends love you just as you are! Always supportive, a friend’s business is not to criticize you, tell you what to do and how to do it, instead friends believe in each other, and have no hidden agendas.
3. Loyalty. Friends will always have your back! Loyalty solidifies such relationships. Rarely is there back-biting, gossiping, and spitefulness; true friends never gloat over your mistakes or snicker when you fall. What makes friends so priceless is that they stand by each other and are always the first to lend a supporting hand.
4. Mutual respect. You are precious just as you are! It’s all about respecting and appreciating all the differences in character, personality, career paths, etc … and never wishing the other person was different. Most importantly, “changing” or “fixing” the other should never be on the agenda. A friend respects your thoughts even when they do not agree; and never thinks he/she is superior.
5. Open communication. Talk to me about anything! Unless it’s superficial, friends are not afraid to discuss deep-seated feelings, thoughts, vulnerabilities, dreams and fears — knowing there’s trust and love. Friends know how to listen and not make it all about “me”. You can afford to let your guard down around friends and simply be yourself.
6. Forgive and forget. I still love you … regardless! Things are not always perfect. Yes, there will be misunderstandings and arguments, but friends don’t let these stand in the way. Friends sometimes make mistakes and even when they let us down, we are still able to forgive and wipe the slate clean … knowing that the intention was not really to cause pain. Hardly is there tension, mistrust, resentment between good friends.
-and-honest-friendships-td-jakes-video/ (abridged)

5 ways to beat loneliness
1. First, don’t isolate yourself – When you’re feeling lonely it is hard to go out and be with others who seem to be OK, and don’t really notice how lonely you feel. But putting up a wall and withdrawing from your friends will only intensify that sense of loneliness, and will further undermine your self-esteem.
2. Second, keep yourself busy – Do things that you normally enjoy with others. For example, listening to a band or maybe going to watch a game … or you could always try something that’s new, but interests you! That would allow you to connect in a non-threatening way … as it takes the focus off talking, and off you.
3. Third, be kind to yourself - It’s likely that you regularly beat yourself up, criticise yourself and are unrealistic in the kinds of expectations that you have for yourself. So what, if it goes wrong? You can always try again – just learn what you can from the experience. And notice your successes and the times when it goes well. It’s likely that this happens a lot more than you think!
4. Fourth, recognise that we ALL battle loneliness at times - You’re not some kind of freak – it’s actually quite normal. It something we’ve all known and understand.
5. Fifth, talk to someone you like and trust – It can really help to talk about your feelings with a family member, a friend or counsellor. It relieves some of the painful sense of isolation – and help to get your life back in perspective again.

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