Wednesday, April 22, 2015

CANADA MILITARY NEWS: how 2 fix spoilt little ones and the hard road 2 make their lives better 4 them as teens/Helping kids digital/money/ when humanity dies...there's ISIS/ Germany and EU promote F**KING PAEDOPHILES - a hunting we go

Canada's glowing Feminist- Maureen McTeer-  Canada's Democracy and How it Works- had 2 signed copies I treasured 4 years... one gave 2 school class... sigh.. and the other borrowed and never returned... it is the finest book on how Canada works and is as good as Jon Stewart's America-  which is brilliantly funny but damm good on USA Gov etc.


That spoilt little boy.... fix it... fix it...
Unspoiling Spoiled Kids
Tell 'em to get their own juice box. Why doing everything for our kids is turning them into spoiled children, and how to undo the damage
“What?! I cleaned it already!” my son yelled, gesturing to the floor.
He grudgingly took the rag and tile cleaner I held out. As he sprayed halfheartedly around the toilet, I explained that a swipe with a piece of TP doesn't cut it. We'd been over this 392 times.
I knew this was our doing. It's often much easier for my wife or me to clean things ourselves. Another reason this is partly my fault: I didn't properly take the time to teach him to either a) shoot straight or b) be accountable for when you don't. But I didn't know how bad it was until he muttered: “When am I going to start getting paid for all this?”
I didn't lose it in front of him, but my emotions swirled like a 12-ingredient smoothie. What the…? He thinks it's OK to make a mess and expect me to clean it or get a reward? Have I, by expecting too little, cheated him of the values he'll need to cope with, uh, real life?
Spoiling kids has been discussed everywhere lately, as parents grapple with the decisions that may be easy in the short term (Fine, you can have a toy at the dollar store), but have implications for the long term (Is my laundry done yet? I have grad-school classes).
The most recent research, headed by psychologist Dan Kindlon, Ph.D., a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, showed that a stunning 88 percent of parents deemed their kids at least somewhat spoiled. There are several ways this generation stands out. “Kids are more materialistic, and at younger ages. You've got four-year-olds asking for Nikes, not just sneakers,” says Michele Borba, Ed.D., author of Don't Give Me That Attitude! Preschoolers have never been known for patience, but today's kids have brought a whole new meaning to “I want it NOW.” “High-end stores and restaurants, and airline first-class cabins, are actually banning kids under six because their behavior, in general, is horrific. They call it the Brat Ban,” notes Borba. Look at the proliferation of blow-out birthday parties, even for honorees too young to remember them. “Parents tell me they feel more guilt because they're working longer hours,” says Sal Severe, Ph.D., author of How to Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too! “More guilt leads to more compensating and less consistency.”
Part of the issue is that even parents who know they're headed down the wrong road feel turning things around will take too long, be too hard, and won't work anyway. “My kids are still pretty young,” shares Debra Noonan, mom of a 4- and an 8-year-old in Langhorne, PA. “But it still seems like it's too late—and I'm too exhausted—to change the things I've let slip.” Many experts say that common attitude is wrong, noting that small shifts (not seismic ones) will get you going.
Parents typically fall into the first trap—giving in to whining—when their child is around 18 months, as language is taking off, says Severe. “But as soon as children see parents are serious, they tend to adapt,” says Richard Bromfield, Ph.D., a child psychologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. However, “most parents never get serious,” Bromfield adds.
“It's hard to hang tough. I struggle with not giving my kids what they want, even though I know it will cause problems later,” admits Danielle Saliman, a mom of three in Englewood, NJ. “Let's say they ask for a snack an hour before dinner. If I say yes, nobody eats dinner. Then at bedtime, it's ‘I'm sooooo hungry!’ The next thing you know, I'm giving in. What mother sends a kid to bed hungry?”
Ready to make a U-turn? Fasten your seat belt: Our directions will get you there.
Play More
Kids today have decreased resilience and increased anxiety, depression and narcissism—all factors that contribute to the entitled aura they're getting growing up in this trophy-for-showing-up era, says Peter Gray, Ph.D., a psychology research professor at Boston College and author of Free to Learn. “I attribute all of these changes to the decline in free play,” he says.
Eighty-five percent of the moms Gray studied say that, as kids, they played at least twice as much as their children do. With the job outlook, parents worry about their child's future more than parents did a generation ago. “Childhood has become a time of ‘résumé building’—the right preschool, the college-track sport, the trendy extracurriculars,” Gray insists. But he argues that play is exactly how we all learned life skills. “Little kids swing high to the point where they feel fear when parents aren't looking, but they actually have a good assessment of reality. And if there's a scuffle, they learn self-control—because their pals might leave if they lash out. Play, by its very nature, is an exercise in give and take.”
The take-home is that we have to throttle back and give our kids room to take risks, to play games without the pressure of us yelling…er, cheering…on the sidelines. Do that, and you've made your kid's playmates your assistants in teaching self-discipline. And, yes, there's also tons of value in our playing with our kids.
“Belly-laugh and rough-and-tumble play with your children. This changes the function of the right brain, facilitating bonding,” says Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame. “All kids need help with self-discipline, and playing with other children—and you—is probably the best way to learn it.”
Focus on Values
Hear the word “spoiled” and most people think of parents who can't say no.
So when parents decide to reverse the tide, they hyperfocus on “no,” and on punishment, says Alan Kazdin, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Yale University. But it's not about cracking down. It's about creating a value system that lets kids learn life skills.
“There's so much research saying that the last thing you should do is punish,” Kazdin says. “Say you want your kid to help clean up. How do you get him to do it? You say ‘We need to get four things done. Which do you choose?’ Start by doing it together, gradually fade out of the picture, then praise the child as he does more.”
The reason this works, Kazdin says, is because you're approaching it in terms of values—helping people you love, and pride in a job well done. You're not iron-fisting it. Though it may seem that giving kids control over which chores they do would contribute to an entitled feeling, it's the opposite. “Choice is important in guiding behavior,” Kazdin notes. “And it doesn't matter whether it's a real choice or a choice to give them the illusion of control.”
The value system extends to material things, too, says social psychologist Susan Newman, Ph.D. She says we need to (ouch!) examine our own values. If you always nab the latest phone, handbag and laptop, your child sees that—and expects the same. “If you don't think about your buying attitudes,” she says, “your child won't change.”
Take It Slow
Ever go on a diet and decide every dinner will be chicken, broccoli, water? How long does that last? The shock of changing everything means we change nothing. Same holds true for unspoiling kids. Truth is, you have to make slow and progressive changes, says Catherine Pearlman, Ph.D., a licensed clinical social worker. That's especially important because of how we got into this situation in the first place—our lives are crazy-busy. “If early evening is the roughest time, purposely do less so you have time to enforce the changes,” Pearlman says.
Make a Plan
What exactly do you want? To get him to put his clothes in the hamper? Put his snack in the bag? “The trick is zeroing in,” says Pearlman. Not sure? Ask the preschool teacher what he does on his own.
Remember His Age
“Toddlers are irrational,” says Pearlman. “You can't explain why you are doing something. They also don't care that it's good for them.” Show them you mean business by your tone of voice and body language, and by ignoring tantrums. Saliman, the mom who gave in to bedtime snacks, learned the lesson. “I've found the whiny stomping lasts two minutes, and they move on.”


How to Brat-Proof Your Child
·         Teach the values kids need to be nice. By Vicky Mlyniec from Parents Magazine
Does Spoiling Equal Bratty Behavior?
Bratty kids. They bark orders, refuse to share--and are raised by clueless parents who have tons of money, spoil them rotten, and don't spend a minute on discipline, right?
Not necessarily. Even loving, attentive parents can wind up with a stubborn brat. "I've worked hard to prevent my 5-year-old, Tanner, from being greedy," says Kim Ratcliff, of Los Gatos, California. "So it was really discouraging to see him at a recent birthday celebration, with a party favor in one hand and a bag of candy in the other, screaming because I wouldn't go to the store to buy the toy the birthday boy got."
"Fortunately, typical bratty behavior is very curable," says Sal Severe, Ph.D., author of How to Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too! and a Parents adviser. When a child behaves like Angelica on Rugrats, it's usually because such antics get her what she wants. But once those tactics stop working, she'll give them up.
Changing your child's behavior patterns requires determination, introspection, and patience; in fact, it takes at least three weeks to break a habit or establish a new one, Dr. Severe says. But taking the bull by the horns is worth it, because kids who are demanding and self-centered have difficulty making friends. And teens who've been overindulged as kids are more likely to use drugs, according to a study by Harvard psychologist Dan Kindlon, Ph.D., author of Too Much of a Good Thing.
Be prepared for your child to balk when you start being less lenient--but stand firm. If your child were about to stick his finger in an electrical outlet, wouldn't you do whatever was necessary to stop him? "What we do to protect a toddler from danger often makes him cry, but the dangers aren't as immediate when our kids are older, so we tend to give in more," Dr. Kindlon says. Here are five classic profiles of brattiness, along with expert advice about how to break the cycle.



CANADA MILITARY NEWS: Teaching our Youth how 2 be Good Digital Citizens/Global Digital World 4 Youth Rising- it’s time/Seniors don’t worry accept their new world they won’t 4get how we helped them get there our history and cultures/Kids learning money care


feeding media $$$crave on your family and your children- set boundaries- control the media-  not spoiling tweens, teens, kids and youngbloods- the power of baking soda- HUNTING PAEDOPHILES- always hunting

best comment:  Far too many of us are accepting and tolerating the premature sexualisation of children for nothing but private profits of corporates from clothing lines to media content providers to the Miley Cyrus industry and so on. Far too many are allowing the rearing if children to be outsourced to plasma screens, consoles, tablets and smartphones. Far too many of are utterly unaware of what our kids get up to online and have never heard nor bothered to find out the meaning and use of parental controls for electronic devices. Far too many of us are teaching our kids that yes you can have it all yes you are the only person in the universe yes you can expect everything to be handed you on a plate yes yes yes "because you're worth it". It'll all end in tears

Is your little princess turning into a DIVA? Then here's how to 'unspoil' her, says one of Britain's leading parenting gurus
Published: 21:01 GMT, 11 April 2015 | Updated: 00:07 GMT, 12 April 2015

But lots of other things crop up, from the tricky 'Why is Miley Cyrus naked in her latest video?' to the pleasing 'Why didn't Rapunzel just cut off her own hair to make a rope instead of waiting for a prince?'
When I chat to my daughters – 13-year-old Lily and ten-year-old Clio – we cover the usual family topics such as how the school day went, what's for dinner and why can't we get the dog to behave.
But lots of other things crop up, from the tricky 'Why is Miley Cyrus naked in her latest video?' to the pleasing 'Why didn't Rapunzel just cut off her own hair to make a rope instead of waiting for a prince?'
Having built a career as a writer specialising in the subject of parenting, I like to encourage conversations that open my girls' eyes to a world that might otherwise give them unhelpful messages about who they are.
Yes, there are huge pressures on children today that we didn't have, especially in terms of 'raunch culture' and the value we put on appearance alone – but research shows the best positive influence is the parent.
Many parents shower their children with the latest educational toys, gadgets and puzzles, thinking it will aid their intellectual development. In fact it is the amount of time you spend explaining how the world works that will help them excel.
And the 'tween' years, between seven and 12, are critical windows when parenting decisions can help girls develop an unassailable sense of self.
It's not just make-up and clothes that make little girls seem older than they are. An obsession with shopping, designer brands and gadgets can also replace innocence with a grasping precociousness.
As loving parents, so often we grant them their heart's desire, thinking it will make them happy. The problem is that, before you know it, you find you have ended up with a spoilt diva.
You need to put the brakes on children's insatiable desire to consume. Thankfully, even if you have already gone too far, it's not too late…
As much as we hate to admit it, part of the reason children crave so much is because we give them too much. It's true that marketeers are out to attract them, but it's you who's actually paying up.
Work out why you feel the need to overindulge your kids. Is it because you work long hours and feel guilty? Are you afraid your child won't love you if you say 'no'? Maybe you want to give them more than you had. It's only once you've worked out your own reasons that you will be ready to change your child's behaviour.
Check that you're not allowing your daughters to have things they want as a display to your peers that you are loving – and affluent. If so, restrain your spending so that the message that material things are important doesn't rub off on them.

Choose a quiet, neutral time – not when they are asking for something – to explain that money does not come easily and that fun things need to be earned
Make sure your girls earn their privileges, because they'll respect material possessions more when they have to work for them.
Many parents buy children new things because they worry they'll feel left out if they don't have the latest fad. Tell them they can earn it with extra jobs around the house.
Half-hearted attempts to 'unspoil' children won't work. You have to persevere, and make sure your partner is on the same wavelength as you, as kids are experts at playing parents off against each other.
Choose a quiet, neutral time – not when they are asking for something – to explain that money does not come easily and that fun things need to be earned. Listen carefully to your daughter's questions and try to answer. You might have to strap yourself in for a few tantrums, but stick to your guns.
Parenting educator Noel Janis-Norton of Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting says: 'Children don't really understand the concept of fairness. What they mean is 'I don't like what you're saying' or 'I thought I'd be getting something you're not going to give me'.' Many of them are among the most privileged in the Western world, so that's not fair either.
Many mothers know the embarrassment of watching children opening present after present at birthdays and Christmases, and barely looking up to say thank you before moving on to the next.
So, at a quiet time, explain there will be a new rule that gifts will be spaced out throughout the year. Set limits by asking friends and relatives to give just one gift.
Teach kids that it's not just receiving that will make them feel good. Steer their priorities away from consumer culture by taking them to help with voluntary work at a charity, to show them that others are not as lucky as they are.
Girls Uninterrupted, by Tanith Carey, is published by Icon Books, priced £7.99. Order at, where p&p is free for a limited time only.


CANADA MILITARY NEWS- Schools need 2 teach from ELEMENTARY LEVELS ON- about money- and how 2 save/about First Aid and CPR/About emergency and storms preparedness no matter where they are- and even their pets.... LET'S GIT R DONE CANADA - Kids and money, how young is 2 young/ showing children how 2 be safe in storms


 From a Beautiful Canadian Grade IV Student

 HeorHer saying I'm Sorry-  self respect wins



CANADA MILITARY NEWS- Innu Peoples Starving in Canada- History of First Nations Inuit Peoples- why have all politicians and UN ignored starving people in Canada and getting us 2 send our money 2 other countries since the 60s??? Why? Let’s feed our own now.... Let’s make our First Nations Inuit People feel our love n devotion- lotsoflinks.-IDLE NO MORE CANADIANS/Canada History of Innu First Peoples of Canada- we love u

COMMENT: How can one support Ukraine’s fight for democracy, yet oppose the freedom of speech which would be a tenet of that democracy? You can’t have it both ways.

Valentina Litisia - honey when u talk about Canada.... NEVER 4GET CANADA LOVES COUNTRY MUSIC... and all beautiful music..... and them Calgary Cowboys are always gonna do the right thing.... just like us catching sharks 4 breakfast in Atlantic Canada.... and even Quebec.... and maybe... BC..... our troops have fought and died 4 our very freedoms.... and our glorious flag of our Canada... and music is the light and joy of this world and God favours so few doesn't He.....  

My family has lived in Canada since 1632 - u do know Canada's First Nations Peoples of 10,000 years was in Canada first right....and we love them.   Anyway child u remind me OF IRELAND... AND THE RELIGIOUS WARS OF CATHOLIC AND CHRISTIAN... and Canada's horrid history between French Catholic and Britain Protestant  fighting 4 their ownership of our Canada....

 Valentina... in Canada, we are young, beautiful, intelligent, well educated and very European in our history.... and on the blood of our very beautiful brave troops who's blood stains our glorious flag of Canada... freedom matters... freedom and passion in speech matters.... 

 Peace Of Christ... and I love Israel because our Jesus of Nazareth was born a Jew... and love Afghanistan and Afghans... because on April 5, 2014- 8 million women, girls, mommas, grandmas, disabled, aged and youngbloods walked over the the evil of the Talbian baby killers of their world and voted - 4 freedom.... and Afghanistan humbled the world ... and proved 2 the world... that our beautiful Canadian sons and daughters did Not die /wounded in vain. 
 Hugs and love.... God has kissed u with blessing and talent... share it child.  from old momma Nova....omho

Lakritz: The day the music died for 'Je suis Charlie'

COMMENT: FROM OUR VALENTINA-  I am deeply grateful to Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra for standing firm and not succumbing to intimidation.

---- - Cached - SimilarChildren learn the difference between good and bad secrets, how to identify a
safe ... Skills for Violence-Free Relationships (Middle/High School) ... Explore
how to use your story to help change perceptions about sexual assault and
domestic ... - CachedThe following domestic violence prevention and awareness programs and
resources ... the nation, with special focus on the primary prevention of violence
affecting youth and ... Develops and evaluates programs, resources, and training
materials for ... violence prevention lessons into existing English high school
curricula. - Cached - SimilarRespectful Relationships Education: Guide for Teachers Welcome to ... offers
resources and a community of practice to primary prevention practitioners, ...
Work with high-school aged students is particularly important because that's often
when ... what a 'relationship' is, how to make sure your relationships is respectful,
what ...

------------ - Cached - Similar15 Feb 2012 ... Discuss nutrition and the 4 basic food groups ... What are 2 fun things you do with
your children? ..... Okay so I'm a 13 year old girl, I love that parents are trying to
get closer to their kids and I think its really sweet but we also ...


When self control is gone decent society is gone.... just ask ISIS

QUOTE: “Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,” reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, “The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same.”
BESTCOMMENT:  Europe has already been discussing the legalization of pedophilia! Look it up and read sometime and you will see just how degraded your society has became. Oh yes it is true. The truth is, every single law on the books is based in a moral value judgment. If we are truly going to be consistent and abolish all law that is based on moral judgments, then we must remove every law from our books…and embrace anarchy.
But this isn’t really what the sexual anarchists want. They are smart enough to realize they need laws to protect their lives, their persons, their property. When it comes to some moral judgments, they’re okay with moral judgments. They just don’t like moral judgments that curtail the immoral acts they wish to carry out.
Sick people we are dealing with here. With no moral compass their is nothing they will not do. Their is NOTHING that cannot be questioned. Their is NOTHING that cannot be called wrong? Their is NOTHING that can be done to protect the innocent from the powerful, wealthy animals who are already pushing this agenda. We are becoming the peasants of yesteryear. To be used by the ruling class for their pleasure. Pleasure is all society is encouraged to pursue in todays society. Why do you think that is? Self control is what builds up a society and empowers it. When self control is gone decent society is gone.


CANADA MILITARY NEWS: Bankingn$$$richgonnakillusagain/ USA-Europe-Asia-Middle East-China- all the banking institutions- u are creating a mess in our world of finances again and ordinary people will pay dearly... 2008 all over again/Canada is doing better at Climate Change than USA China Japan or Russia and much of Europe and Asia...come on... JANUARY 16/15... and why is USA always paying 2 fight the planets wars... and Canada, UK, Aussies and French tagging along CLEANING UP MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICAN MESSES.... all these years... give each of your children a good free education and treat your poor better than slaves in the 21st century...come on.. please -GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS... we want u home and know ur soooo tired/and the media still lies

Germany and EU to Legalize Pedophilia and with it, Child Pornography as well!

Posted by EU Times on Jun 20th, 2009 // 207 Comments
Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled “Love, Body and Playing Doctor” by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung – BZgA) are aimed at parents – the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age.
“Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex,” reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, “The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same.”
Why do some people still vote for these scumbags? Next time we must all vote our local NATIONALIST (extreme right) Political Party to restore normality.
Canadian author and public speaker Michael O’Brien who has written and spoken extensively about the crisis of culture in the West spoke to about the shocking and extremely disturbing phenomenon. It is, he said, “State-encouraged incest, which in most civilized societies is a crime.” The development is, he suggests, a natural outcome of the rejection of the Judeo-Christian moral order.
“The imposed social revolution that has swept the western world is moving to a new stage as it works out the logical consequences of its view of man’s value,” said O’Brien. “It is merely obeying its strictly materialist philosophy of man. If man is no more than a creature created for pleasure or power. If he is no more than a cell in the social organism, then no moral standards, no psychological truths, no spiritual truths can refute the ‘will to power’ and the ‘will to pleasure’.”
The pamphlet advises parents to permit young children “unlimited masturbation” except where physical injury becomes apparent. It advises: “Children should learn that there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body. The body is a home, which you should be proud of.” For ages 4-6, the booklet recommends teaching children the movements of copulation.
Another product of the BZgA is a song book aimed at children of four and slightly older which includes several songs espousing masturbation. The song-book entitled “Nose, belly and bum” includes one song with the following lyrics: “When I touch my body, I discover what I have. I have a vagina, because I am a girl. Vagina is not only for peeing. When I touch it, I feel a pleasant tingle.”
“The wiser and deeper position of most civilizations recognized that children need a period of innocence,” commented O’Brien. “Now the state, the German state, is encouraging destruction of this state of innocence,” he added. “This is consistent with the materialist philosophy that sees all moral norms and all truths about human nature as repressive. Pleasure and their distorted concept of freedom are their only guiding principles.”
According to the Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, the BZgA booklet is an obligatory read in nine German regions. It is used for training nursery, kindergarten and elementary school teachers. Ironically it is recommended by many organizations officially fighting pedophilia, such as the German Kunderschutzbund. BZgA sends out millions of copies of the booklet every year.
“A society such as Germany’s which is already in steep decline, indeed into degeneration, will only inherit the whirlwind of violence and further levels of degradation of their own people,” warned O’Brien.
“It has happened before in Germany. It has happened in other nations. Different causes but the same dynamic, the rejection of the moral order of the created universe results in radical evil. The German state intervention in family life is a new level of auto-destruction,” said O’Brien.
Rzeczpospolita reports that the Eckhardt Scheffer of BZgA claimed that before releasing the manual the organization consulted parents, educators and child psychologists. 93% of whom gave a positive evaluation.
Even for a Western nation, Germany’s billboards and television ads push the limits of public pornography. Last year reported that a very popular teen magazine in Germany publishes nude photos of teens in sexual positions which would be in almost any other nation illegal child pornography.
With a licentiousness as the new morality of the secular materialist establishment and homeschool a forbidden practice, parents in Germany may well wonder what will transpire in public education.
“Will those children who are not liberated by their parents have special classes in their schools where they’re introduced to these practices,” asked O’Brien rhetorically. “If the state intervenes in this way, what won’t it intervene in?”
O’Brien concluded his comments quoting G.K. Chesterton: “When men cease to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing anything.”
To express concerns to German authorities:
In Canada:
German Embassy
1 Waverley Street
Ottawa, ON, K2P 0T8
Tel.: 613-232-1101 Fax: 613-594-9330
In the US:
German Embassy
4645 Reservoir Road NW
Washington, DC, 20007-1998
(202) 298-4000
The embassy can be e-mailed from its website:
To express concerns to German authorities:
President of the Federal Republic of Germany
11010 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 20 00-0
Fax: +49 030 20 00-19 99
Angela Merkel
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
10557 Berlin
Telefon: +49 180 272-0000
Fax: +49 1888 272-2555
To read Michael O’Brien’s essay on the Family and the New Totalitarianism see:
(with files from the July 9 edition of the Polish daily “Rzeczpospolita” by Aleksandra Rybinska with English translation provided by Joanna Najfeld)

My son was raped as a toddler he has been left not only physicly damaged and incontenant but severly psychologicly dammaged . It is well researched that all forms of child abuse cause changes to the brain structure of victims particularly the amigadala a structure that regulutes emotion impulsivity and sexual feelings it also causes chemical changes in the brain and affects hormone production these changes lead to unstable moods depression and personality disorders wich the victims of abuse have to live with for the rest of their lives, it is never ok for an adult to impose this on a child for the sake of their own pleasure and gratification, childeren who grow up free from abuse and sexual interfearance develope normal brain structure including the amigadala stable moods hormone production and decsision making abilitys god or nature this is the natural intention, childerens brains are going thru a vital stage of development as are teanage brains these stages make the brain particularly vulnerable to permanent dammage via sex abuse during this time I don’t know what books german psychologists are reading to get the information that it it might be harmless to sexualize childeren the evedence is contrary to what they are espousing I can tell you that my child lives with the terrible consequences mood swings confusion and depresion on a daily basis that he will have for the rest of his life paedophilia is never ok no one has this right I am personaly disgusted that anyone ever beleives it can be excusable or harmless


Jun 19, 2009 · Ironically it is recommended by many organizations officially fighting pedophilia, ... France to consider banning ... then how about we make it legal to ...

Jun 19, 2009 · Ironically it is recommended by many organizations officially fighting pedophilia, ... France to consider banning ... then how about we make it legal to ...


F**KING PAEDOPHILES - a huntin we go....die motherf**kers die- Anonymous, troops, vets, bikers, grannies, children of the secret- the world is waking up.... and no more hiding.... get them... nail em.. jail them and hang their balls 2 the junkyard wall... imho

O'Carroll attended a Hacked Off rally in the Houses of Parliament on February 25 to lobby MPs for state involvement in media regulation, which John Cleese (left; right in Fawlty Towers) chaired

Campaigner from notorious Paedophile Information Exchange at Hacked Off meeting chaired by comedian John Cleese

Tom O’Carroll went to rally in Houses of Parliament on February 25
69-year-old former key activist jailed in 1981 for 'corrupting public morals'
PIE was formed in 1974 to campaign for sex with children to be legalised
His attendance at the meeting is likely to be an embarrassment for group
PUBLISHED: 23:21 GMT, 11 April 2015 | UPDATED: 13:49 GMT, 12 April 2015

-------------- - Cached - Similar
The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist
group, ... 1 Early history and activity; 2 Legal action against members; 3
Government ... and children" by campaigning to abolish the age of consent thus
legalising sex ... If we got bad publicity we would not run into a corner but stand
and fight.


27 Feb 2014 ... The Paedophile Information Exchange was affiliated to the National ... The story
is written up by a national newspaper as "Child-lovers win fight for role in Gay Lib
". ... It offered support to adults "in legal difficulties concerning sexual ... liberation
of children, that children should have the right to sex," he says.

27 Feb 2014 ... Homosexuality had been decriminalised in 1967 but there was still ... the laws on
the age of consent, to allow adults to have sex with children. ... were fighting
against a lot of outmoded laws, and perhaps the ones .... Ukip wants to scrap the '
tampon tax'… but claims they can only do it if Britain leaves the EU.


18 Dec 2013 ... The group espoused the view that children had the right to indulge in their ...
Harvey Proctor, Monday Club, well known convicted paedophile. ..... At the
moment I am still getting advice on “Pro-Bono” UK legal help, which can help .....
The only problem I've got just now, is time, as I am fighting to get my own ...

1.   [PDF] 
2 Mar 2001 ... 'Child sexual exploitation' refers to the sexual abuse of a human ... Denmark, The
Netherlands, San Marino, Albania, Greece and Serbia have ...
2.   [PDF] 
Convention has entered into force (situation on 23/07/2012 – source: Council of
... Criminal law: criminalisation of serious forms of child sexual abuse and ...


2:24PM GMT 12 Nov 2014. Germany's Green Party has admitted it had extensive
links with a ... politicians have denied links to the Paedophile Information
Exchange (PIE), the full ... of all sexual offences laws, including those against sex
with children, first ... Daniel Craig's stunt double takes part in filming a fight scene
while ...

------------- - Cached
Ipce (formerly International Pedophile and Child Emancipation, changed name in
... Founded in the early 1990s; in 2005, it had 79 members in 20 countries. Active.
... resulted in the extinction of any pedophile movement in Belgium and France.
.... Defunct (merged with PIE); Paedophile Information Exchange, 1974-1984.

1.   [PDF] 
2.   Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Dr. Adriano Schimmenti and
Stefano Ciulla for their .... COPINE - Combatting Paedophile Information
Networks in Europe .... Italy (45%) half in Greece and Cyprus (both 50%) rising to
94% online in Finland. ..... Most countries already have laws protecting children,
but what is.

3.   [PDF] 
4 Dec 2012 ... Laws regulating offences on sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children,
including child ... Solicitation of children for sexual purposes – grooming (Article
23 ..... Two (2) CoE Member States have not signed the Convention, namely ....
Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,. 


4.   [PDF] - Cached - Similar
who travel abroad to have sex with children come from Western Europe, how- ...
Finland, France) the legal framework remains weak. ..... 2 For further information,
see ... Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and ...... The Danish Paedophiles.


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