Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Canada Military News: #UNTrumps must start helping humanity climate vs greed power and war in 2016- #PopeFrancis - UN PEACEKEEPER #RWANDA broke our hearts - #RomeoDallaire/Canada WWII #SalvationArmy/Humanitarian double standard #Amnesty #InternationalRedCross #DoctorsWithoutBorders...ya all gotta change or quit- @TheDailyShow -pass it on/Old Hippie #VietnamVet

As a WWII baby – it’s so hard to come to terms with the horrendous loss of Canadians – our families – uncles family friends – Grandpa WWI... in wars that in 2016.... the sacred graves are vandalized..... monuments of remembrance and respect are pissed  and shaaat on painted and destroyed ...for fun .... on the very freedom, liberty and dignity and courage Canadians paid their lives with... and 99% of us take so for granted....
How my heart aches and weeps and mourns – so many dead.... for what??? – so enemies are now friends.... and friends are now enemies... and the dead crosses across Canada are justified  and it’s ok.....

We talk about the white first settlers abuses of the First Peoples ignoring the fact that just as much racial tribal hatred and tortures were part of the living Canadian lands long before the first settlers arrived and built a barren hard, unforgiving landscape into the incredible Canada we have today....

We revered our grandparents and theirs and our family bible and church and communities were our world across this nation..... this glorious Canada...

And my old soul and heart weep for #syrianrefugees  that the world  politico powers under the obsolete auspices of #UnitedNations treat like throwaway trash... YET.... put the horrific responsibity ... once again.... on the Christians and decent people of this world of #ordinaryfolks to fix ... whilst #China #Russia #USA and #UnitedNation continue with their greed $$$ power vs humanity and climate change in front of the hatemongering #MSMnews they own ....

All that poverty growing up.... asking Uncle Harold.... as we looked at our ruined farmlands and wasted devastating poverty.... ‘Are u sure we won the war, Uncle?’.....  And on his good days.... us kids were his only trust... he’d say....  – unless the world is made of blonde white blue eyed people... the rest would be destroyed ... and u’d live peace on your knees.... 

.... Canadians choose dying for freedom....instead.

Thank u God.... for all the disappointments of my life... I know without a doubt you are holding each and every soldier in your arms till us old tarnished angels get there... that’s my story and i’m sticking to it...

NOW .... world Christians, Muslims and those who care about humanity.... it’s time for a few billion of us to rise up.... #PopeFrancis ... and help our brothers and sisters thrown away in evil greed war power and hatred... and bring change history... in our favour....and theirs...

Let’s change the news (like almost a million of us underground did globally for news on and for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan ... and we were/are brilliant at it) – to the positive and what we can change and do change... and share...

f**k evil.... LOVES COMING IN 2016 for humanity and our planet and climate change.... and the #donaldtrumps  (and everydamm one of the greedyguts politicians are #donaldtrumps... (well outside #FeelTheBern) ‘The Donald’s  just more honest about greed $$$ and world domination of 1%) and their ownership of #MSMnews....  LET’S BYPASS THEM ALL... after all this is the internet of #BillGates and #Facebook and incredible #Twitter etc...
#PopeFrancis .... and children of this world.... we’re coming... and we love u.... promise

SO UNCLE HAROLD... and all the millions who died for our nations in wars that have become so irrelevant ... that graves are now destroyed for boredom along with our monuments and historical respect- Here’s to the 1% who give us 99% a pass in war and death and wounded and suffering coming home with 2 many victories over purest hatred.

I weep because a wonderful #POUTUS chose to make a visit and deal with evil creepy human rights  #Vietnam and then on to #Japan instead of honouring his Grandfather and #PearlHarbour.... making deals and spitting in the face of #China.... which...proves as humanity... how truly irrelevant #ordinaryfolks are...

... and those millions who died by the evil calls of war just for greed and power ....

... oh look... the sun is sparkling on the apple blossoms in the orchards.... hear the children laughing and tearing around ... and elders sauntering along smiling with the gratitude of more day...  and the cutest cartoon from a facebook friend.... and a twitter quote of poetry that makes the blood soar....
So.... underground ( #Anonymous) we need some love and help.... and spread the word and share, share, share... with links ok... Old Momma Nova



Canada Military News-THE MILITARY TRUTH from 1997(Soviet-USA-Middle Class) - how ashamed our militaries were of our excessive behaviour as people in the free world (#HotelCalifornia) compared to the horrific daily suffering they witnessed in hard part of the world. Leave Root Causes aside- DESTROY ISIS STATE...PERIOD/links always/#POTUS 4 Secretary General of United Nations, clean that filthy house up u'd b perfect imho



CANADA MILITARY NEWS- RWANDA-Canadians Remember Rwanda and Romeo Dallaire and global betrayal/So few...NO heroes among Global politicans r Global $$$ Media- so many deaths... not a white mans war-UN ignored- as did Africas- RWANDA SCREAMS THAT SYRIA IS 2014's RWANDA- shame United Nations- Shame! 


Pope Francis Calls Christmas A 'Charade' As The 'World Continues To Wage War'

Pope Francis said Thursday in a sermon that Christmas this year will be a "charade" because the "world continues to wage war" and "we do not understand peace."
"Today, Jesus weeps as well because we have chosen the way of war, the way of hatred, the way of enmities. We are close to Christmas. There will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes - all decked out - while the world continues to wage war," he said during Mass at the chapel of the Santa Marta residence in the Vatican.
The pontiff said of the Christmas cheer, "It's all a charade," the, an Irish news site, reported.
"What shall remain? Ruins, thousands of children without education, so many innocent victims and lots of money in the pockets of arms dealers. Jesus once said: 'You can not serve two masters: Either God or riches.' War is the right choice for him, who would serve wealth: 'Let us build weapons, so that the economy will right itself somewhat, and let us go forward in pursuit of our interests. There is an ugly word the Lord spoke: 'Cursed!' Because He said: 'Blessed are the peacemakers!' The men who work war, who make war, are cursed, they are criminals," Francis said.
"A war can be justified - so to speak - with many, many reasons, but when all the world as it is today, at war - piecemeal though that war may be - a little here, a little there, and everywhere - there is no justification - and God weeps. Jesus weeps."
Just last week, Paris was attacked by jihadist gunmen and suicide bombers, leaving 129 dead and 352 wounded.
On Friday, 10 gunmen overwhelmed the Radisson Blu Hotel in Mali's capital - shouting "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great," in Arabic - before firing on guards and taking 170 people hostage.


We must stop funding $$$$TRILLIONS United Nations.... each and all are a #Trump

QUOTE: One sol­dier who deployed to Afghanistan in 2002 has told me that one MSF facil­ity refused to treat an injured child because she was brought to the hos­pi­tal by U.S. troops. Their laud­able com­mit­ment to med­ical ethics and polit­i­cal neu­tral­ity in war seems to fal­ter when Amer­i­cans get involved

What Does a Humanitarian Double Standard Mean for Civilians?

Posted on October 30, 2015
Over at FPRI, where I am a non-resident fel­low, I wrote about a trou­bling dou­ble stan­dard in how human rights and other human­i­tar­ian orga­ni­za­tions dis­cuss rights vio­la­tions in con­flict zones. Specif­i­cally, they seem to reserve the vast major­ity of their oppro­brium for the United States, while excus­ing other par­ties to con­flict, includ­ing other governments:
There is a reflex­ive, open anti-Americanism from the aid group. The group proudly says it treats every­one at their hos­pi­tals, regard­less of affil­i­a­tion: Tal­iban, Boko Haram, civil­ian. They find moral courage in treat­ing even “bad” peo­ple because of their belief in the human­i­tar­ian prin­ci­ple of treat­ing all peo­ple equally… unless the U.S. is involved. One sol­dier who deployed to Afghanistan in 2002 has told me that one MSF facil­ity refused to treat an injured child because she was brought to the hos­pi­tal by U.S. troops. Their laud­able com­mit­ment to med­ical ethics and polit­i­cal neu­tral­ity in war seems to fal­ter when Amer­i­cans get involved.
But reflex­ive anti-Americanism prob­a­bly does not tell the whole story: plenty of aid groups are deeply skep­ti­cal, even mis­trust­ful, of the U.S. mil­i­tary with­out dis­play­ing MSF’s dou­ble stan­dards. Glob­ally, the U.S. is held to a higher stan­dard than any other party to con­flict, partly as a con­se­quence of America’s unmatched mil­i­tary power, partly because of Amer­i­can global eco­nomic and cul­tural dom­i­nance, and partly because of a gen­eral sense of anti-imperialism that influ­ences many internationalists.
Now this does not excuse bad or even crim­i­nal con­duct by the U.S., and rights groups are entirely within the right to con­demn the U.S. when it com­mits heinous acts that vio­late the laws of war. But I’m just as curi­ous as to why they won’t apply that stan­dard even to other states involved in conflicts.
Take Rus­sia. While the U.S. received instant, and sus­tained, inter­na­tional con­dem­na­tion for its strike against an MSF hos­pi­tal in Kun­duz, Afghanistan, Rus­sia has attacked four hos­pi­tals in Syria, two of which are oper­ated by MSF. More­over, they have adopted the Assad regime’s approach of tar­get­ing ambu­lances and other first respon­ders after bomb­ings — the so-called “dou­ble tap” strike that many vocif­er­ously con­demned when the U.S. did it in Pak­istan. And the reac­tion to these delib­er­ate, out­ra­geous war crimes is… silence.
In its offi­cial state­ment about the strikes, MSF does not that med­ical facil­i­ties in Syria are under attack. How­ever, rather than con­demn­ing Rus­sia for bomb­ing their hos­pi­tals, MSF instead chooses to note “all par­ties to this con­flict” are “flout­ing inter­na­tional human­i­tar­ian law.” That’s a far cry from MSF’s reac­tion to Kun­duz, where it said within hours of the attack that it was a war crime while demand­ing a UN investigation.
I don’t have a solid expla­na­tion for why so much of the human­i­tar­ian (and gen­eral, global) Left is so quick to con­demn the United States and repeat­edly, con­sis­tently soft ped­als much more abu­sive regimes that delib­er­ately com­mit ille­gal acts. I think part of it is a vaguely defined “anti-Imperialism,” though this expla­na­tion is inad­e­quate. In Ukraine, as an exam­ple, Rus­sia is clearly the impe­ri­al­ist power but that crowd still blames the U.S. for it.
So anti-Americanism is part of it. But that doesn’t explain every­thing, because often the human­i­tar­ian wing of the Left is one of the first to demand the U.S. uni­lat­er­ally inter­vene in a con­flict to some­how ease civil­ian suf­fer­ing (like with Syria and Libya). So it’s not just a rote hatred of the U.S. that dri­ves this one-sided criticism.
There is also this idea of hold­ing the U.S. to a higher stan­dard than any­one else in the world for var­i­ous rea­sons (from our own stated ideals to the ideals other peo­ple some­what cyn­i­cally apply to the U.S. when cir­cum­stances war­rant). But that, too, rings hol­low, given how unchar­i­ta­bly the human­i­tar­ian Left treats any state­ment, inves­ti­ga­tion, or con­clu­sion from the fed­eral gov­ern­ment. It almost rises to the level of journo-derp, requir­ing the belief that thou­sands of peo­ple can all lie in uni­son with no incon­sis­tency, because oth­er­wise it might paint the feds in a pos­i­tive light and that’s just not possible.
So it’s a mys­tery to me as to why this dou­ble stan­dard exists. Maybe it’s all of those rea­sons, com­bined to just gen­eral anger at the seem­ingly intractable con­flicts that involve the U.S. I don’t know.
What I do know, how­ever, is that the dou­ble stan­dard of only and uniquely crit­i­ciz­ing the U.S. cre­ates a hor­ri­fy­ing envi­ron­ment where the one actor that exerts a huge amount of effort to attempt com­pli­ance with inter­na­tional human­i­tar­ian law (Lefty rhetoric aside, this is unde­ni­able to any hon­est per­son) is the one actor most crip­pled by it.
The conun­drum the human­i­tar­ian dou­ble stan­dard rep­re­sents is also appar­ent in the issue of tar­geted strikes against west­ern cit­i­zens who vol­un­tar­ily join ter­ror­ist groups. When a cit­i­zen joins a for­eign army at war with his own gov­ern­ment, there is no oblig­a­tion under domes­tic or inter­na­tional law to respect his cit­i­zen­ship when attack­ing that army. He for­feits his pro­tec­tion by join­ing the oppos­ing force. But when Amer­i­can cit­i­zens join al Qaeda, a non-state group lit­er­ally at war with the US, many in the human­i­tar­ian Left think that cit­i­zen should still enjoy the pro­tec­tions afforded by his cit­i­zen­ship. It is an inver­sion of how the law actu­ally works.
Sim­i­larly, when a ter­ror­ist group uses civil­ians as shields and attacks a state (say, the U.S. or Afghan gov­ern­ments) and that state responds in a way that harms or kills those civil­ians, the onus should be on the group ille­gally using civil­ian shields. But over the last fif­teen years a shift has occurred whereby the state respond­ing to an attack is now held respon­si­ble for the plight of civil­ians being ille­gally manip­u­lated by a non-state actor. This, too, is an inver­sion of the law but it is where the con­ven­tional wis­dom for the human­i­tar­ian Left is def­i­nitely moving.
Hos­pi­tals are a bit dif­fer­ent. Under the Geneva Con­ven­tions (some sec­tions of which the U.S. has not yet signed), they are given a much higher con­sid­er­a­tion than any other facil­ity, and an attack­ing force faces a much higher stan­dard for when it can even respond to an attack. And this is fine as far as it goes, at least if you can laugh off the idea of pro­tect­ing a Tal­iban fir­ing posi­tion inside a hos­pi­tal as “inject[ing] a vital dose of human­ity into the dev­as­ta­tion of war,” as some present these conventions.
The end result of all of this work is that the U.S. (and other west­ern states) are treated unfairly, to the detri­ment of civil­ians in con­flict areas. This is a con­clu­sion that cuts against the human­i­tar­ian Left con­ven­tional wis­dom, but the logic is impos­si­ble to escape. When only west­ern, lib­eral gov­ern­ments are held account­able for their con­duct in war, and hold­ing account­able other actors is hand waved away as futile or irrel­e­vant, there is a grey area where one party to a con­flict can vio­late the laws of war with impunity and another is tightly bound, unable to respond in kind. This has been the cen­tral frus­tra­tion of the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, where insur­gents abuse the Geneva con­ven­tions at will and the rules of engage­ment meant to uphold them essen­tially crip­ple the capac­ity of the U.S. to respond effectively.
Instead of der­p­ing out on that last clause as a call for mas­sacre (because it is not and you are a dis­hon­est moron if you try to argue I mean it as such), con­sider whether this sit­u­a­tion pro­tects civil­ians or places them in greater harm by cre­at­ing an infor­mal norm that the “lesser” party to con­flict feels it can suc­cess­fully abuse civil­ians with­out legal or polit­i­cal con­se­quence. At least so far, that seems to be pre­cisely what hap­pens: the dis­course favors “revi­sion­ist” forces (defined at non-Western forces), and pun­ishes “sta­tist” forces that plays by the rules. And civil­ians suffer.
So with this dou­ble stan­dard cre­at­ing a gray zone, where does that leave the U.S.? Non-western par­ties to con­flicts have man­aged to cre­ate a global polit­i­cal envi­ron­ment where they can ram­pantly vio­late inter­na­tional human­i­tar­ian law while also hid­ing behind it to try to escape reprisal. There isn’t an easy answer for this conun­drum, since it is the out­growth of sev­eral decades of evo­lu­tion in thought con­cern­ing con­flict, the laws of armed con­flict, and global norms. But the con­se­quence is that the U.S. is faced with a uniquely high expec­ta­tion of its con­duct while being sent into ever-less rules-abiding con­flicts. One way or another, this dou­ble stan­dard is going to be resolved, either by remov­ing the require­ment to adhere to inter­na­tional law or by finally hold­ing oth­ers to account when they vio­late it. I sup­pose we can just pray it is the latter.


Borders Condemns Israel, Ignores Hamas War Crimes

September 27, 2015 12:21 pm 59 comments

Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Photo: Wikipedia.
As an internationally recognized humanitarian organization, Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders, aka MSF) is viewed by many as apolitical, solely concerned with improving the well-being of people in need. In truth, MSF has strayed far from its goal of providing emergency medical aid, and it has violated its own pledge to observe “neutrality and impartiality.” Instead, it is taking advantage of its reputation to engage in anti-Israel political warfare.
Over the summer, a number of MSF publications adopted an extreme anti-Israel narrative. First was a July 7, 2015, opinion piece written by MSF-USA Executive Director Jason Cone that whitewashed Hamas attacks against Israeli — and Palestinian — civilians. In the article, Cone ignored Hamas’ war crimes, which include targeting Israeli civilians for death and using innocent Palestinians as human shields. Incredibly, Cone’s only criticism of Hamas related to its decision to ban painkillers in Gaza.
Cone said that rocket attacks against Israeli civilians are “called acts of resistance on one side and terrorism on the other.” Similarly, Cone casually mentioned the rise in “Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians (mostly settlers),” suggesting that some terrorist attacks are more acceptable than others.
In contrast, Cone showed no nuance or understanding when it came to Israeli policy: “Israeli fears of rocket fire from Gaza… and the ongoing threat of tunnel-enabled attacks… cannot justify the devastating medical and psychological consequences for Palestinians of the barriers, checkpoints, bombing campaigns, blockades, and incursions.” It is unclear what expertise an executive officer of a medical organization has that allows him to weigh military and security strategies in the complicated dynamics of an ongoing conflict.
Another political attack against Israel appeared in a July 2015 promotional video, featuring Mathilde Berthelot, an MSF program manager. Echoing Cone’s propaganda, she charged that Israel uses Palestinian violence “as an alibi for a policy which is repressive and expansionist,” adding, “we are no longer able to accept this alibi. We must take an even bigger stand for the people of Palestine.”
The video also refers to Israeli military operations in Gaza as “wholesale massacres” and decries the“humiliation and oppression they [Palestinians] are subjected to daily.” These vitriolic attacks are further proof that MSF has aligned itself with one side of the conflict in a way that is wholly inconsistent with its humanitarian standards.
This type of antagonism from MSF is not new. During the 2008-2009 conflict in Gaza, Felipe de Ribeiro, Executive Director of MSF-France, argued that Israel used the decision of Palestinian snipers to take up positions near medical facilities as an excuse to attack these sites — with the implication that Israel was targeting civilians. Dr. Marie Pierre Allie, President of MSF-France, claimed that the violence in Gaza was worse than violence against civilians in Somalia, Congo and Darfur.
Recently, MSF’s use of demonizing language has been accompanied by a series of demonstratively false claims, including the accusation that Palestinians are prohibited from leaving Gaza to receive medical treatment – despite the fact that Palestinian patients leave Gaza for medical centers in Israel on an almost daily basis.  So too, these doctors-turned-political-activists falsely state that Israel’s military “continues to starve the territory of desperately needed supplies, including building materials,” ignoring the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism that allows building materials into Gaza under UN supervision. Similarly, the group absurdly claims that one “million children still live in bombed out ruins,” despite their own finding that 12,000 homes were destroyed in Gaza during the fighting in 2014.
These distortions and offensive attacks demonstrate that MSF should stick to what it knows best — providing medical aid. Taking sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a gross violation of MSF’s stated principle of neutrality, and well beyond the organization’s expertise. It is an abuse of MSF’s status as a humanitarian group, and severely undermines the doctors’ credibility. Worse yet, their demonization of Israel, coupled with the free pass they have issued Hamas, emboldens and immunizes terrorists.


Nova Scotia @nova0000scotia 23h Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose. - Ralph Waldo Emerson #FeelTheBern #TDS -ok world lets git r done


Nova Scotia @nova0000scotia 23h Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose. - Ralph Waldo Emerson #FeelTheBern #TDS -ok world lets git r done


shames 1% who control world and 2da SCREAMS4 Refugees


Old Hippie - awesome video ... artistic and true.... Old Hippie - Bellamy Brothers


JustinTrudeauPM Canada raised 2day...have been fighting4 gay rights 45 years- NOW TIME 4


PROUD- HRH makes true on promise to give Invictus Games soldier's medal to medics



Canada Military News: DIRTY EU/TURKEY AND UN- sell out refugees for $$$-even Turkey citizens wild/ God cries and humanity mourns- what happened to our world - O Canada


CANADIANS LOOK ON IN SHAME AT BEHAVIOUR OF #RUSSIA #USA AND #CHINA #UNITEDNATIONS AND #NATO and their - I am #Trump greed, power and $$$ over humanity and climate change.... billions are so tired of war, hate and #MSMnews wrecking havoc with their screaming lies and hate for $$$$ and not reporting pure factual news.... both good and bad...

From the sublime #syriarefugees to the ridiculous #panamapapers


Canada Militry News: Pope Francis is right/ Golda Meir right also /F**KING OUTDATED GENEVA CONVENTION that deliberately allows our troops and innocents to be butchered by monsters with no rules - yet get First Class Attention by International Red Cross (who has to go) - imagine in pieces barely alive in a bed next to the monster who hacked u to pieces??/UK- stepping up for troops and innocents/ Canada must do same- NO MORE RWANDAS -EVER- /Commonwealth and American Troops and all innocents matter over UN arrogance and politicans sitting in their fancy houses selling humanity for $$$war -imho/again...Pope Francis is right /Children Dying To Kill .... Purposely Sacrificing Their Children...We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children.... We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us." Golda Meir, former Israeli Prime Minister, 1972


Dallaire decries global inaction on Syria, amid Rwanda, Holocaust comparisons

Published May 31, 2016 

OTTAWA — Anthony Lake was in a Syrian hospital a few months ago watching surgery being performed on a sniper victim, whose age he could not determine because of the severity of the injuries.

Lake, the executive director of the United Nations Children's Fund, watched the doctors pluck pieces of the patient's jawbone out of his shattered face using what he called "old instruments" in a setting he described as "sort of an operating room."

Lake was shown the anaesthetic that was being used. Its best-before date was several years ago.

"It's an outrage," the head of UNICEF said Tuesday in an exclusive interview with The Canadian Press by telephone from his New York City office.

"Badly, in a word," is how Lake described the way things are currently going in Syria.

That sense of outrage echoed on Parliament Hill on Tuesday, when retired Canadian general and former senator Romeo Dallaire said the Rwandan genocide is being repeated right now in Syria and the world isn't doing enough to stop it.

Dallaire was part of a delegation that displayed some of the 55,000 forensic photos that depict atrocities committed against civilians in Syrian prisons by the regime of President Bashar Assad. The photos were smuggled out of Syria and depict torture on men, women and children.

"Through pictures, through scenes, we hope to bring to the attention of parliamentarians and Canadians the true suffering of human beings that are caught in the middle of this maelstrom that we are fiddling with, instead of trying to reconcile," Dallaire said Tuesday.

Lake, meanwhile, painted a vivid portrait of what he saw first-hand in Syria on his most recent trip there. Prior to entering the hospital, he visited a school, where he saw marginal progress over his previous visit to it — the children who he had seen studying underground to avoid snipers had moved up a floor.

Still, he was forced to ask himself: "Who the hell would shoot children through the window of a school?"

Dallaire said the world needs to strike a peace agreement with teeth to end the five-year-old Syrian civil war, which has displaced millions and left hundreds of thousands dead.

He commanded the failed UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda and has since campaigned tirelessly for conflict prevention as a senator and now as a senior fellow of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies.

Dallaire said he has personally witnessed a repeat of the recruitment of child soldiers to the Syria conflict in refugee camps in Jordan, a phenomenon of the 1994 Rwandan genocide that left hundreds of thousands dead.

"When a society uses children as cannon fodder for a desperate cause like that, it is a disgrace to humanity and we are part of letting that disgrace perpetuate itself."

Naomi Kikoler, deputy director of Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide in Washington, said the smuggled photos show the degree of human suffering that is currently taking place, in real time, in Syria.

"Our hope in doing so is to try to do for the Syrian people what was not done for the Jews during the Second World War, which is to shed a light on their suffering and urge that others take action to prevent and protect these communities from the crimes that are happening."

Mouaz Moustafa, the executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, lauded Canada for taking in Syrian refugees, but called on the government to push for "creative solutions" to end the torture and air bombardment of civilians.

"I truly believe this is the never-again moment of our lifetime."

Moustafa said dozens were killed and many others were injured in another bombing of a hospital earlier this week.

Lake saw evidence of a similar atrocity on his recent trip to Syria. After he left the school and made his way to hospital where he saw the emergency surgery, he surveyed the surrounding area as he stepped out of his car.

He could see no sign of damage around the hospital, although the building itself had been bombed.

"So," Lake concluded, "it was clear it had been targeted."

Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press



"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."
--Prime Minister Winston Churchill, 1943


Adapting to the 21st century and its wars without winners

DAN LEGER Dan Leger is a freelance journalist in Halifax. @dantheeditor
Remember those groovy times when you could flash the peace sign, ask “what if they gave a war and nobody came” and you weren’t even trying to be ironic?
OK, you have to be a certain age to remember those days but trust me; we thought we could make peace by doing simple things.
Turns out, peace isn’t simple at all. Wistful catchphrases don’t change much and people do keep showing up for wars. They’re the volunteers. Many more end up as unwilling participants.
I ran across a Serbian aphorism that captures that perfectly. “We have got our war assignments,” it goes. “We are to be the killed civilians.”
But ask a different question. What if they gave a war and nobody won? Today that’s happening around the world, according to Canada’s senior soldier.
Gen. Jonathan Vance, Chief of the Defence Staff, thinks the historical pattern of tensionconflict- war-resolution-peace might be growing obsolete. It could turn out there will be no more winners, therefore fewer chances for lasting peace.
That’s a bit surprising, given that wars have been won and lost since primitive men first took up the cudgels against other primitive men.
But the days of victory parades and “unconditional surrender” could be over, Vance suggests. Global politics have changed. So have the players, the characteristics of conflicts as well as their potential results.
“The types of threats that we are facing do not necessarily lend themselves to cataclysmic wins and losses,” Vance said in Ottawa.
“Clear wins are hard to achieve and measure,” especially against terror groups and other non-state actors who don’t present straightforward targets for conventional armies.
The general has a point about unresolved conflicts. To cite a particularly nasty example in which Vance himself served, in Afghanistan war has been going with barely a pause since 1978. Nobody is winning.
The Balkan wars of the 1990s produced many “killed civilians” but ended without a winner, just a resentful and enduring stalemate.
In parts of Africa, wars have boiled for decades with few examples of resolution. In Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Congo and many other places, they continue with no evident hope for lasting peace, only persistent torment.
Libya, Iraq and Syria are settling into that pattern of nearconstant warfare in which no side can win, but all sides suffer.
Canada is involved in some of those places, with 330 special operations troops training Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq and personnel heading to Jordan and Lebanon to bolster defences in those countries. Nearly 850 Canadians will be in the Middle East by the summer.
But not necessarily in Libya, which is threatened by Islamic militants as a UN-fostered government tries to consolidate control after five years of civil war.
Vance seemed skeptical that armed intervention would be useful in Libya, which disintegrated after dictator Muammar Gaddafi was ousted in 2011. Canadian jets bombed Gaddafi’s forces at the time, ostensibly to protect civilians.
Libya’s collapse made it a hub for arms and people smuggling and for Islamic extremism. It’s hard to see how the western air campaign helped anyone on the ground.
That’s the pattern being repeated around the world. Interventions rarely work once the shooting begins. When it’s over, conflicts leave behind failed states and lawless lands.
The alternative, Vance suggested, is “conflict prevention . . . prevent the conflict before it happens.” Along with allies and friendly nations, Canada could play a part in conflict prevention similar to its 20th century role as a peacekeeper.
Vance might be getting the peacekeeping religion from the new Liberal government. But militaries don’t re-task overnight and changing course requires a clear direction from the political level.
The general can’t prejudge the defence policy review going on in the Trudeau government. But he seems to be suggesting that Canada’s armed forces get ready for a new focus, one that gets engaged before the bullets start to fly.


ON TARGET: Canada eyes international disputes from afar
Published May 30, 2016 - 10:59am

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds a press conference in Shima, Japan on May 27 following the G7 Summit. (CP)
Prior to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s participation in the G7 Summit in Japan, there was rampant speculation among hawkish pundits that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would be seeking stronger support from Canada in terms of thwarting any Chinese expansionist designs in the region.

One warmongering columnist went so far as to suggest that Canada should begin sending our Royal Canadian Navy frigates on more extended patrols into the Western Pacific in order to intimidate China.

Given that Canada does not presently have an operational supply ship, the RCN is incapable of even getting a frigate to the Western Pacific, let alone patrolling menacingly off the Chinese coast.

The big question, of course, is why would Canada even want to begin contributing even a miniscule military presence into an arena that is already fast becoming a potential flashpoint for a major conflagration?

In addition to Japan, China currently has territorial disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam. The focus of the dispute with the Philippines centres on a remote set of reefs known as the Scarborough Shoal.

China made a clear demonstration of its resolve to lay claim to the Scarborough Shoals in June 2013, when their navy patrol vessels turned fire hoses on a small flotilla of Filipino fishing boats.

Although the shoal is situated just 200 kilometres off the coast of the Philippines, and well within the internationally recognized 200 nautical mile zone of economic exclusion, Philippine President Benigno Aquino demurred from any retaliatory military action.

It is believed that the Chinese intended to convert the uninhabited Scarborough Shoal into artificial islands, complete with docking facilities and airstrips.

Pushing Chinese military installations outward into the Pacific is seen as a direct challenge to U.S. longstanding control of the region.

This is where the plot thickens. Aquino was defeated in recent elections and Philippines president-elect Rodrigo Duterte is set to assume full authority on June 30. Duterte is a character that makes U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump seem like a rational man.

As the former mayor of the crime-ridden city of Davao, Duterte took extreme measures to clean up the streets. It is estimated that over 1,000 criminals were executed without trial by a police force that was paid bonuses for the killing of felons.

As for his position on the disputed Scarborough Shoal, Duterte has already laid treason charges against outgoing President Aquino for his abandonment of the territory back in 2013.

As part of his pre-election bombast, Duterte suggested that he would personally drive out to the shoal on a jet ski in order to plant a Philippine flag.

Should the Chinese object to this defiance, Duterte stated that he is prepared to give up his own life in exchange for becoming a national hero.

Duterte has no love for the Americans, but he still has in his pocket the U.S.-Philippines mutual security pact. Even though the U.S. closed its major naval base at Subic Bay in 1992, America is still obligated to protect the Philippines if they are attacked by a third party.

In other words, the U.S. is treaty-bound to go to war with China even if Duterte deliberately provokes hostilities.

In an even more bizarre development, Vietnam has been cozying up to the U.S., seeking support over their territorial conflict with China over the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.

That’s right. After waging a bloody decade-long war to drive out the American military, the Vietnamese are now seeking their assistance in a possible showdown with China.

If any of these scenarios transpire, and the U.S. navy goes toe-to-toe with the Chinese to determine supremacy of the Western Pacific, the last thing we are going to want is a Canadian patrol frigate in the midst of the fray.

Canada should not find itself dragged into a military clash over Japanese, Philippine or Vietnamese land claims.

We have no skin in that game, and let’s keep it that way.



Taps out to our crowned today in 1953 - God bless our Commonweath of 2.4 Billion


so Canada.... - – 2.38 BILLION versus 508.2 MILLION including Britain


 WOAH USA... -black panther pumps? WTF??-so the is righteous again eh? -see Mexican Flags2


A family tradition
During the Second World War, Ted Reid was stationed in England. He wanted to write home to family and friends, so he went to an aid organization and asked for a stamp – but without any funds he was turned away. No money, no stamp! He then went to The Salvation Army. In speaking to the officer, he asked for a stamp.
The officer inquired: “What do you want the stamp for?” He said, “To write home.”
“Well,” said The Salvation Army officer, “Do you have any paper?”
“No,” he replied. “Envelopes?”
asked the officer. “No…” “A pen?” “No.”
“And you have no stamps? Okay, so no paper, no envelopes, no pen, and no stamps.”
“Yes, that’s right,” said Ted.
“Well then, here’s paper, envelopes, a pen and stamps. You go write home.”
This act of charity was never forgotten by Ted Reid and he decided to leave his home and property to The Salvation Army.
Years later, Ted was not well. His son, Murray Reid, was concerned about having to leave his childhood home with all its cherished memories behind.
His father said he would give Murray the home if he agreed to leave the property upon his death to The Salvation Army. Murray Reid carried on the tradition – he lived in the home until his death, and left the family property to The Salvation Army in his will.
— Recounted by a childhood friend of Mr. Reid who shared with The Salvation Army how this gift had come about

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