Sunday, September 13, 2015

Canada Military News: How Highway of Heroes came to be -2007/ Canada Afghanistan movie does justice of our troops and the beautiful Afghan people- HYENA ROAD- October 5th in theatres/ Honouring Canada's history and the Guardians of our flag/videos and 14 years and our Veterans/Remembering late 60s and 70s- Jimi, Janis, Allman Brothers, Wilson and the crazy daze / Pierre Elliot Trudeau didn't give a f**k- u don't mess with terrorists in our Canada... then, now ...ever

OCTOBER 5-  Canada Troops and Afghans movie that brings honesty and justice...  HYENA ROAD

Movie trailer

the Guardians of our flag and Canada 

However, for a more general audience, Gross wants to ensure we don’t forget about the war in Kandahar by giving us a sense of “Oh, that’s what it was.” Gross points out that “Canadians were there in that conflict longer than WW1, WW2, and the Korean War combined,” and he offers genuine concern that what happened there has been already forgotten by those not personally affected.
Gross then returns to his opening point – “If I hadn’t gone to Afghanistan, I wouldn’t be making a film about Afghanistan. It wasn’t on my list of things to do. I do feel a very personal connection to so many of the men and women that I met when I was there. They were all extraordinarily open and the stories are amazing.”
With Hyena Road, Paul Gross made a very different war film about a very different war
Jason Gorber, Special to National Post | Sep 11 10:07 AM ET

Despite the shoulder-length white hair, it’s easy to see the tall and well-postured Paul Gross as no-nonsense Constable Benton Fraser in Due South. After directing some episodes of the series in its later run, the Calgary native made his directorial feature debut with the 2002 curling comedy Men With Brooms, following that up with the 2008 WW1 melodrama Passchendaele. This year, Gross returns to the director’s chair with Hyena Road, a very different war film about a very different war.
Gross comes by an interest in military stories honestly. “My father was in the military. His war was Korea, so in my early years, I grew up around the army and I’m sure that’s a big reason why I feel compelled by them.” Despite this he “had no intention of ever doing a war film again because they’re just awful! They’re very complicated to make and extraordinarily difficult to finance because obviously they cost a fair bit of money.”
The film itself emerged organically from a visit the actor/director made to the troops in Kandahar. The second time he arrived with a crew in tow but no real story in mind, save for “a real interest in being accurate and not bend anything too far out of shape.”

Christos Kalohoridis/Elevation PicturesA still from Hyena Road
While the writing of the film was by Gross’ own admission “peculiar,” many of the stories came from the soldiers themselves. “I’d just go up ask ‘What is it you do?’ Two hours later they’re still telling me. Pretty much anything that’s singular in the film I didn’t make up. If I had tried to write a storyline and then gone to Afghanistan to find information to support that I don’t think it would have been as interesting.”
“The overriding thing was trying to be accurate, to not deform the experience and the things that they were actually involved in, in order to make a pleasing story. It’s why it has stuff in it that you might not have decided to include.” The film’s opening scene exemplifies this ethos, as the rat-tat of military jargon provides nearly incomprehensible patois that becomes nearly poetic in its starkness.
“If you’re around the army, they speak in nothing but acronyms”, Gross says, “I had no idea what they’re talking about 90 percent of the time.” The jargon spouted out by film stars Rossif Sutherland, Jennifer Pudavick and others helps “eliminate subtlety or interpretation so that everything is clear, particularly when you’re in trouble and you’re on a radio. There can’t be misunderstanding, so it does actually serve a function.”
To its credit the film is not only about the Canadian experience of war, it also provides strong and well-drawn portrayals of many Afghanis. “A lot of times you see movies where it has nothing to do with the people and the land in which they’re fighting,” he says. “Those tend to be the American films where it’s more a struggle inside the American soul than it has to do with the enemy that they’re contending with or the people that they’re presumably there to help. I felt we have to put these people in because that’s actually why we’re there. It is a partnership.”
This results in some of the film’s most powerful performances, including some from people without any on-screen experience. “The guy playing the ghost is not an actor at all. His name is Neamat Arghandabi, and he is an amazing guy. When he was a kid he was a mujahideen against the Soviets, living in caves, coming out and shooting down Russian helicopters. He doesn’t even know how old he is.”
Hyena Road has been shown to members of the military community and “in general the response is really positive,” despite some unintended issues for some. “We’ve shown it to a number of veterans of the war and some who have suffered the particulars of PTSD and operational stress problems and we’re finding it’s so accurate it’s actually jarring them. We’re trying to figure out a way of alerting those people who suffer from that that this could be a trigger because it’s happened now a few times.”
However, for a more general audience, Gross wants to ensure we don’t forget about the war in Kandahar by giving us a sense of “Oh, that’s what it was.” Gross points out that “Canadians were there in that conflict longer than WW1, WW2, and the Korean War combined,” and he offers genuine concern that what happened there has been already forgotten by those not personally affected.
Gross then returns to his opening point – “If I hadn’t gone to Afghanistan, I wouldn’t be making a film about Afghanistan. It wasn’t on my list of things to do. I do feel a very personal connection to so many of the men and women that I met when I was there. They were all extraordinarily open and the stories are amazing.”
This is the only record we’re going to have cinematically of what we did there
The film manages to touch upon one of the more esoteric aspects of being in cobmat. “The dramatic intensity of war is really hard to describe. Everything is amped up. I’m not a particular fan of a certain brand of coffee, but did I love it over there. It’s like the greatest coffee I ever drank. It’s cliché but the proximity of death makes everything erotic. I thought it would be good if we could capture the sense of that.”
Gross believes Hyena Road to be his most mature work to date. “I haven’t been at the filmmaking stuff for a long time, but I’ve started to feel more confident in what I want to do.” The power of the narrative and unique circumstances of production forced him to “just be better at what I was doing and in that way it became less considered and more raw.”
The filmmaker remains conscious of the film’s potential legacy. “I still get stopped in airports by teachers who say Passchendaele has been a fantastic tool to get kids to get to something more visceral about our history. I would hope that Hyena Road can serve some purpose in a similar way.” Given the unique circumstances of filming at the actual base during Canada’s involvement in Afghanistan, that should not be a problem. “This is the only record we’re going to have cinematically of what we did there. I’m confident about its accuracy and it can be something that sort of goes on for some time in the Canadian consciousness on some level.”

“O Canada- is that why we died 4 thee?”
Remembrance Day Soldier Cries (Soldiers Cry- O CANADA) -2007


I salute all Canadian Armed Forces [Army, Navy, Air Force, Reservists, Rangers, And Cadets], VIVA LA CANADA AND HER ARMED SERVICE!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU, MY FELLOW CANADIANS!!!!
POSTED ON VARIOUS SITES In Canada, when a Canadian Forces member dies for his country in Afghanistan or where ever... they touch Canadian soil at Canadian Forces Base Trenton. From there, a funeral procession leaves the base and heads to Toronto on the Highway of Heroes. We love u so much...
Canada's Highway of Heroes (Never had a chance to say goodbye)-2007

Uploaded on Nov 8, 2007
In Ontario, when a Canadian soldier dies for his country in Afghanistan they touch Canadian soil at Canadian Forces Base Trenton. From there, a funeral procession leaves the base and heads to Toronto, Ontario taking our departed heroes to the Centre for Forensic Sciences. Along the 172km path of Highway 401 people fill the overpasses to show their support, waving Canadian flags and signs, in a sort of paying their respects to the fallen and their families.

The Ontario "Highway of Heroes" Petition to Ontario Ministry of Transportation was created by members of and written by James Forbes (

On August 24, 2007 it was announced that Ontario's provincial government consulted the federal government, municipalities along the highway and the Royal Canadian Legion and on September 7, 2007 it was official, a stretch of the 401 would be renamed 'Highway of Heroes'. The highway will not lose its official designation as the MacDonald-Cartier Freeway, but signs would be erected designating the route as the Highway of Heroes.

The Song 'Highway of Heroes' was recorded as an extension of the emotion expressed when thousands of Canadians voiced their desired to honour our fallen soldiers by having a part of the 401 renamed. Hopefully, when the song is heard, it will remind everyone to take a moment and reflect on what is truly important in their lives.


USA IS NOT THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD (are the other democratic nations - especially Canada)

WHAT TRUTH (fits so many nations) America is not the greatest country in the world anymore speech... 3 years ago... took my breath away... THE SPEECH THAT FITS ALL FREE NATIONS..... cause we already know the others are the sheeeeeets.....

the stats coming from this incredible actor... and then... his wish list.... for America to have the honour ... and humanity it used to... what a share....
the commercialism and politicalization of our world - our nations and the horrific United Nations.... and the unkept bank... that ruined our world.... we need to get it back... and not just for middle and upper class... like Pope Francis says... the working class and the poor.... that's what we need to focus on.... not greed but humanity.... and environment... and having stable jobs not 5 jobs... for older and youngest workers...
Please God.... we are all so tired.... so tired of worrying each and every day.... living on the top of a thumbtack.... it's just not right.... O America... and O Canada 2..... my fear is that Harper kept us floating and steady when countries were sinking fast... outside of Germany, of course.... and didn't ruin the social fabric of who we are and were.... but IMF and these ugly UN groups have gotten away with murder of our social fabric.... how come they are ruling the two worlds now- electronic vs real - and why is the world bowing to commercialism and politicization versus reality, humanity, environment and passion and pride of hard work ethics and respecting our old... and learning from them....
Frankly, many of us Canadians are deeply worried about the lack of substance in all the political parties... not one focus on poverty- work ethic- what we can do as a nation to prosper and then work 2gether and do it... WHAT A SPEECH- and wish Canada could go back 25 years to when we all mattered... Have a great week



God Bless Canada- I'm proud to be Canadian lee Greenwood sent for Canadian troops - he was amazed at Canada's love and devotion for our fallen and the Highway of Heroes.....The Americans  the Brits and Aussies say we Canadians shamed them..... bcause Canadians roared and screamed over our troops in Afghanistan... and followed their every move.... and even on this day.... political will is measured in the respect given to our troops, policing, firefighters and first responders...

God Bless You Canada – Highway of Heroes



Remember Their Sacrifice ~ Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, United Kingdom, the United States of America and Our ALLIES and remember that FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. We pray each morning and night... and have since 9/11... You are the Guardians of our flags, our countries... our free world. 
Remember Their Sacrifice

Comment: I have just as much respect for our Canadian and English brothers as I do my own US troops. Your troopers fight to defend the security of your nations just as hard as ours do. Hooyah

A Dedication to the Soldiers – O Canada

Uploaded on Jun 9, 2007
This is A Tribute Video I made To Honour All The Soldiers in Afghan, Fallen or still serving there. Since I'm planning on going there in 3 years. Remember The soldiers who fight their fight because they have to , not always because they want to. Honour them no matter what they do

Combat Camera (Canadian Forces Image Gallery) * The Department of National Defence shall be identified as the source department and the reproduction is not represented as an official version of the materials reproduced, nor as having been made, in affiliation with or with the endorsement of the Department of National Defence.

Five For Fighting- Superman



Beloved Pierre Elliot Trudeau- after the brutal kidnapping and slaughter by the FLQ of Pierre LaPorte - and the Canada's War Measures Act was called by Trudeau. Canadians stood by Trudeau.  Pierre E. Trudreau brought Canada her Charter of Rights and Freedoms. For all ... Pierre Elliot Trudeau was loved globally-. Pls. don't forget we had terroists back then too.


A SALUTE to our Canadian Armed Forces.  Someday... all women and children will be equal, educated... and free. We love u

A Single Maple Leaf- from Newfoundland... to Afghanistan...


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Canada, our home and nature ...ooops...native land.... True Patriot Love....

True Patriot Love....  O Canada
Standing Strong & True (For Tomorrow) Official Music Video (HD)



The good Lord was creating a model for military spouses and was into his sixth day of over-time when an angel appeared. She said, Lord, you seem to be having a lot of trouble with this one. What’s wrong with the standard model?

The Lord replied, Have you seen the specs on this order? They need to be completely independent, possess the qualities of both father and mother, be a perfect host/hostess to four or 40 with an hour’s notice, run on black coffee, handle every emergency imaginable without a manual, be able to carry on cheerfully, even if they are pregnant and have the flu; and they must be willing to move to a new location 10 times in 17 years. And, oh yes, they must have six pairs of hands.

The angel shook her head. Six pairs of hands? No way.

The Lord continued, Don’t worry, we will make other military spouses to help them. And we will give them an unusually strong heart so it can swell with pride in their spouse’s achievements, sustain the pain of separations, beat soundly when it is over-worked and tired, and be large enough to say, 'I don’t understand', when they don’t, and say, 'I love you' , regardless.

Lord, said the angel, touching his arm gently, Go to bed and get some rest. You can finish this tomorrow.

I can’t stop now, said the Lord. I am so close to creating something unique. Already this model heals themselves when they are sick, can put up six unexpected guests for the weekend, wave good-bye to their spouses from a pier, a runway or a depot, and understand why it’s important that they leave.

The angel circled the model for military spouses, looked at it closely and sighed, It looks fine, but it’s too soft.

they might look soft, replied the Lord, but they have the strength of a lion. You would not believe what they can endure.

Finally, the angel bent over and ran a finger across the cheek of the Lord’s creation. There’s a leak, she announced. Something is wrong with the construction. I am not surprised that it has cracked. You are trying to put too much into this model.

The Lord appeared offended at the angel’s lack of confidence. What you see is not a leak, he said. It’s a tear.

A tear? What is it there for? asked the angel.

The Lord replied, It’s for joy, sadness, pain, disappointment, loneliness, pride, and a dedication to all the values that they and their spouses hold dear.

You are a genius! exclaimed the angel.

The Lord looked puzzled and replied, I didn’t put it there.

Author Unknown

On myspace page- : Uploaded on Feb 10, 2008
On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a drug store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the stores PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Terry was impressed with the stores leadership role in adopting the Legions two minutes of silence initiative. He felt that the stores contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.

When eleven oclock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the two minutes of silence to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.

Terrys anger towards the father for trying to engage the stores clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, A Pittance of Time. Terry later recorded A Pittance of Time and included it on his full-length music CD, The Power of the Dream.

Thank You to the Royal Canadian Legion Todmorden Branch #10 and Woodbine Height Branch #2 for their participation in the Video.

Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time (Official Version)


CANADA MILITARY NEWS: Ant n Grasshopper CANADA POLITICAL STYLE- politics included –biting hilarious stories jokes and cartoons from waaaaay back and great site- GETCHA CANADA ON/political science made eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy- come on u know u’ll love it


"Highway of Heroes", was co-written and co-produced by The Trews and Gordie Johnson (Big Sugar) and was inspired by the 2006 death of Captain Nichola Goddard from The Trews' hometown of Antigonish, NS. Canada's Highway of Heroes, is the section of the MacDonald-Cartier freeway named to honour those who have sacrificed all in service of country.

The Trews - Highway of Heroes

FROM CANADA WITH LOVE- Animals, Children and Watermelon Wine... and love 2 our troops-God bless our Canada..some tidbits-come visit Getcha Canada on folks - OUR NATION'S FLAG HISTORY


God save the King- God save us all ‘
The Devil's Brigade - The Canadians Arrive

For all the sheeeet we can't change.... and the little bit we can.... here's 2 animals, and kids... and watermelon wine....

...2 all those waiting.... we'll see ya soon.... and Rita MacNeil ... looking 4ward 2 some kitchen music with Johnny, Waylon, Keith Whitley and the boys.... and Stomping Tom... behave yourself... just cause u can outdrink God don't mean u got to...

... and 2 all the soldiers, friends, tramps and thieves and families.... which includes most of ya.... 2 day we are holding our soldiers of suicide real close and hugging our wounded and loving our children a whole lot...

have a great week.... have been blogging and writing since 2001 because of September 11, 2001-  and am still here.... now our brave hearts are almost home.... and we are thankful.... it's time 2 build up our Canada and make her strong and educate our children and fix our own.... imho... have a great week...

... an old song my Uncle - that old war dog used 2 love especially when he was in his cups....



The Serenity Prayer- am a friend of bill w. Peace of Christ and love brothers and Sisters. Been there, done that... and somehow survived 2 tell the tale- God helps His tattered and tarnished angels... and holds His arms out waitin on us 2 wander the heavens in joy, and love and redemption and renewal's sweet sounds.... Peace of Christ everyone... and u that have no religion... Peace of Christ anyway...

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.

SUNDAY MORNING COMING DOWN- Kris Kristofferson 1970


The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxey Lady (Miami Pop 1968) 


The 60s and 70s...... JUST LISTEN TO DUANE ALLMAN’S GUITAR... AND PICKETT’S KICK ASS VOICE....  sigh...  The Allman Brothers Band, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin... and Sweet Jesus ...thank u.... Wilson Pickett.... we lived and breathed them... with a little Kristofferson and Waylon on the side..... those were the daze for me and many like me.... we were the Jackie Kennedy business dressups during the day and the wild, free and beautiful at night.... thank u for the memories...
Before there was The Allman Brothers Band, Duane Allman was trying to attract any kind of attention and make a name for himself. The music business is hard you know. Though immortalized now as one of the greatest guitarist of all time, it was Gregg who was more sought out in the record business in the early days. So Duane made ends meet by being a session guitarist in studios while he decided what his next move would be.

It was in November of 1968, when Wilson Pickett - already a star - showed up at Rick Halls Fame Studio in Muscle Shoals, AL wanting to record, but with no material or ideas. Duane, who was working for Rick but was not even the main, lead session guitarist, suggested that they cut "Hey Jude", which Rick thought was "the most preposterous thing" he had ever heard and Wilson agreed they would NOT do it. The Beatles had just recently released it and it was climbing the charts. But Duane somehow convinced them both it was a good idea because it "was" a Beatles song and it "would" be Number 1. And, as you hear, it was a GREAT idea. This song sparked the beginning of Duane's future nickname and the formation of ABB.

The story goes that Duane was already known as "Dog" because of his looks. As you might imagine, the hippie look that Duane sported was few and far between in late 1960's Alabama. When Wilson heard the way Duane played he started calling him "Sky Man". Not just for his "out of this world" playing but also for his "out of this world" state of mind he liked being in (recreational activities for those who still don't get it). From there the name somewhere morphed into "Skydog". Rick Hall was also so amazed that he phoned Jerry Wexler and put the phone up to the speakers on the playback so he could hear the song. Needless to say, he was also blown away by Duane's playing. And in Wilson's defense of this DA story, his vocals in this song are what they are in all his songs -- AWESOME.

Jerry Wexler was Wilson's main producer for Atlantic who wasn't able to be there and gave the reins to Hall. Wexler, along with Phil Walden, later in '69, started Capricorn Records in Macon, GA and we all know that story. Also, Phil Walden is also the man who introduced and brought in Jaimoe to play with Duane. They started jamming together before any of the other Brothers joined in.

Well anyway - this is for your listening pleasure and hope you enjoy it. If you want to know more of this story, I highly recommend pp. 80-88 of "Skydog: The Duane Allman Story" by Randy Poe. It is where this info came from and it is the best book ever if you are a Duane and/or ABB fan. And the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section...thank helped change the world and the music for the better.

Wilson Pickett - Hey Jude (w/ Duane Allman)


1971- janis joplin me and bobby mc gee (written by Kris Krisstoferson)


Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge..... 1970- this video 1972- Take the Ribbon From Your Hair.... how we loved them... and they loved us...
Help Me Make It Through The Night


LYRICS: Walk A Mile In My Shoes

Joe South and The Believers
Written by Joe South

Peaked at # 12 in 1970
Re-make 4 months later by Willie Hightower managed only # 107

If I could be you and you could be me for just one hour
If we could find a way to get inside each other's mind
If you could see you through my eyes instead of your ego
I believe you'd be surprised to see that you'd been blind

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes
Yeah, before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes

Well, your whole world you see around you is just a reflection
And the law of common says you're gonna reap just what you sow

So unless you've lived a life of total perfection
Mm-mm, you'd better be careful of every stone that you should throw

Yet we spend the day throwin' stones at one another
'cause I don't think or wear my hair same way you do
Well, I may be common people but I'm your brother
And when you strike out and try to hurt me it's a 'hurtin you,

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes
Yeah, before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes

There are people on reservations and out in the ghettos
And brother, there, but for the grace of God, go you and I

If I only had the wings of little angels don'tcha you know I'd fly
To the top of the mountain and then I'd cry?

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes
Hey, before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Better walk a mile in my shoes

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes
Oh, before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes,

Walk a mile in my shoes, walk a mile in my shoes
Hey, before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Walk a mile in my shoes


Waylon- Yankee Uniform of the North and Hank Jr.- Confederate Uniform of the South- (best friends of country) and Waylon's Jesse. Honouring Hank... they fired him from the Opry... and that caused his greatest pain.


Leahy's Call to the Dance


HOTEL CALIFORNIA-    1976- BEST QUOTE OF OUR 60s and early 70s-   Lost soul, high, in desert of lost hope, is spiritually dying, but sees a hotel, like a mission church, with a beautiful woman, death, inviting him inside to rest.  Heaven or Hell, guided by Death, he hears other residents welcoming him to their lost world.   California or californication is often a symbol for a lost cursed land of plenty but wasted, in its ruined beauty it seduces lost souls to their ruin.  Lady Death has all the riches of Benzs and her vapid pretty boys, empty of feelings, the "guests" dance in the heat of Hell.  The wine/spirit of 1969 is gone, the idealism of the Sixties, abandoned to empty pleasures that need excuses to tolerate.  The room is copy of brothel with champagne riches.  The people there put themselves there via empty chases after sensation and that lure keeps them chasing.   They try to eat and kill their sins, but The Beast, Satan, can not be killed.    Escape is impossible.  You can check out, die, anytime but can never escape your wasted life.

The Eagles Hotel California [Remastered] 01 Hotel California-1969

·      Written by Don Felder, Glenn Frey and Don Henley, this song is about materialism and excess. California is used as the setting, but it could relate to anywhere in America. Don Henley in the London Daily Mail November 9, 2007 said: "Some of the wilder interpretations of that song have been amazing. It was really about the excesses of American culture and certain girls we knew. But it was also about the uneasy balance between art and commerce."

On November 25, 2007 Henley appeared on the TV news show 60 Minutes, where he was told, "everyone wants to know what this song means." Henley replied: "I know, it's so boring. It's a song about the dark underbelly of the American Dream, and about excess in America which was something we knew about."

He offered yet another interpretation in the 2013 History of the Eaglesdocumentary: "It's a song about a journey from innocence to experience."

The Allman Brothers ruled.... and Janis... and Jimi...... u made our world real, raw and righteous...
Greg Allman Will the Circle be Unbroken


Canada.... EH?


Canada vs America: What You Should Know Before You Go to Canada




CALIFORNIA- oil, gas, coal and fracking, drought and firies- IDLE NO MORE FIRST PEOPLES- save your lands as we in Canada are saving ours


CANADA MILITARY NEWS- war, Propaganda and the Media- the whole truth and nothing but the hold on to your noses and read if ya got the guts/ China and Russia allies of WWII- don’t 4get it


REHTAEH PARSONS- Cyberbulling- target - bully - how 2 tell and how 2 act..... Come on Canada we have over 3000 student/youth suicides - it's F**KING TIME... our schools, colleges, universities communities -even families- we must change and do better - THE BULLY PROJECT - thank u for waking up Canada


FROM CANADA WITH LOVE:- Robin William Peace Plan- and Jeff Foxwothy- Country Founded by Geniuses but run by idiots- may ring true 2 so many other countries- they make sense.- some humour/2013



CANADA MILITARY NEWS: War Hero George S. McGovern opposed the Vietnam War- Castro Fixation and decried America's capacity for Nuclear 'overkill'-I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars 4 young men 2 die in..../musings.... God bless our troops and yours /Hotel California/Honour our history- First Nations and Immigration movement- it's what built our nation of today eh... /PARAPAN AM GAMES 2015- Toronto...reflecting back 1976 Torontolympiad 38 nations... proving disabilities are abilities in disguise -all politics removed folks /Canada's sorry federal political choices.... same ole same ole O Canada



CANADA MILITARY NEWS: War Hero George S. McGovern opposed the Vietnam War- Castro Fixation and decried America's capacity for Nuclear 'overkill'-I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars 4 young men 2 die in..../musings.... God bless our troops and yours



WWII hero who was adamant against Vietnam and Cuba and Nuclear armament.   

CANADA MILITARY NEWS: War Hero George S. McGovern opposed the Vietnam War- Castro Fixation and decried America's capacity for Nuclear 'overkill'-I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars 4 young men 2 die in..../musings.... God bless our troops and yours /Hotel California/Honour our history- First Nations and Immigration movement- it's what built our nation of today eh... /PARAPAN AM GAMES 2015- Toronto...reflecting back 1976 Torontolympiad 38 nations... proving disabilities are abilities in disguise -all politics removed folks /Canada's sorry federal political choices.... same ole same ole O Canada

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