Sunday, September 29, 2013

UNITED NATIONS:-Environment u????- 7 BILLION PEOPLE are destroying our planet- all nations must pay and $$$ participate not just country with 36 Million iddy biddy population- u can't even make women equal in 2013- seriously??

Seriously???  United Nations thinks we should TRUST THEM with our environment??? Look at the horrid track record-  5.5 MILLION WOMEN AND KIDS MURDERED IN THE CONGO.... UN- did nothing

7 BILLION PEOPLE NEED 2 STEP UP AND EACH PAY $$$ 4 ENVIRONMENT DISASTERS- not iddy biddy 36 million people of Canada, Aussies, New Zealand- come on folks- clean up ur own messes

 _  Here's what rich environmentalist kids of USA Europe etc. don't tell u- how about USA cleans up ur own dirty oil, coal, francking gas be4 thumping Canada

When each and every country steps up and pays their $$$$ according 2 their populaltion - regardless then Canada should tentatively step up with $$$$ only if proven and not $$richfolks fancy meetings with not a damm thing done..... PAKISTAN, INDIA, AFRICAS.... ASIAS... THESE COUNTRIES AND MUSLIM NATIONS MUST NOW $$$$$$  ..... the USA and China have created a Global financial nightmare 4 everyday folks and the bankers etc. walked away free and clean.... as well as the billionaires and millionaires....

... there are just 2 many poor folks and folks just trying 2 get by and get our kids raised right 2 get caught up in the incredible wasteland of $$$ environmental bullshit and beans that isn't boots 2 the ground..... and Greepeace needs 2 stop invading nations with their terror tactics and us everyday folks paying 4 their destructive ways..... enough!

Canada is the 2nd largest country on this planet with the greatest natural resources with an iddy biddy 36 million of 7 BILLION PEOPLE folks..... back off....

7 BILLION PEOPLE???? ENVIRONMENT???- come on over population is killing this planet.... we said this in the 70s.... never dreaming that in 2013 there would be 7 BILLION PEOPLE!!!....

Canadians will not be sucked in2 Koyoto ever again.... JAPAN, USA, CHINA WON'T SIGN.... and u think Canada Aussies and New Zealand should pay 4 India, Pakistan and Africas, Asias huge population overlaod on environment disasters????  oh please...

We want our own oil that's not on the blood of innocent muslims being butchered every darn day by muslim heretics who hate everything and everyone period- yet United Nations bows 2 this terror trash??? Come on.  

United Nations $$$$ committees in their rich luxury lifestyles are not who we need 2 rely on.... it't the folks in the communities that actually do the world and put in the time.... look around your communities folks... at beautiful nature's ways that oldies have given and saved 4 you.... and develop lifestyles that everyday folks can live with and enjoy the small time we have on our planet...

BUT 7 BILLION PEOPLE-    there is no way smaller populated countries should be dumping $$$$$$ taxdollars without end results and accountability and each and every nation on board... right...

And USA environs and Europeans..... clean up your own messes before u stomp on Canada's soil telling 36 million Canadians how 2 git r done..... seriously... just saying....imho

New UN Report: Climate Change Inaction Must End

A Commentary By Christoph Seidler


 League of Nations 1920s disbanded 1945 because of the atrocities of the Jewish Holocaust shame- they became the despots and thieves instead of our saviours..... and United Nations sitting in luxury in New York costing us $8billion a year 2 run.... has done the same..... would u trust the United Nations - who cannot even declare women equal 2 men ... or save millions of kids.... let alone the environment- with your tax$$$$ ... really - 7 billion people... really?

 5.5 MILLION WOMEN AND KIDS MURDERED- THE CONGO.... United Nations has done nothing

 Hey United Nations- especially USA-  64% of world's population are women- how about legislating equality in 2013



Whoa cowboys..... New Zealand  is the first (November)  to pull out 4 obvious reasons-  USA/RUSSIA/CHINA/INDIA/JAPAN ALL REFUSE TO SIGN KYOTO- and they are the largest energy users on the planet.... seriously???

Canada will officially become the first country to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol climate change (AFTER NEW ZEALAND  and big nations refuse to have anything to do with Kyoto- USA, Russia China, India, Japan  etc. etc. etc. AND OTHERS) agreement Saturday, following years of criticism from the Harper government and lobbying from major industrial polluters.

It’s official: Harper government withdraws from Kyoto climate agreement


The final flaw, and the one that caused the most issue was the fact that developing countries were not required whatsoever to reduce their emissions, giving them what many developed countries saw as an economic advantage.



HIGHEST GLOBAL ENERGY USERS...  we.... are ... way down at No. 8????

1. China
2. United States
3. Russia
4. India
5. Japan
6. Germany
7. France
8. Canada
Why Didn't the U.S. Sign the Kyoto Treaty? Why Didn't Russia? Why Didn't China? Why Didn't Japan?



Won't someone think of the summits? Kyoto failures could threaten global climate posturing

Kelly McParland: UN summits where delegates waste untold resources in fruitless discussions are seriously endangered by failures to contain greenhouse gases


AND USA- NEEDS TO START CLEANING UP THEIR DOORSTEPS 2-   in fact we all need to let the Muslims deal with Muslim countries now- and aid etc.  - where they own the world's oil and most evil newage muslim natzi killers of muslim women and's time... imho

U.S. National Debt Clock May 2013

An Overview of the United States National Debt

The Current Outstanding Public Debt of the United States is:


Last Updated: May 10th, 2013

Every man, woman and child in the United States currently owes $53,341.16 for their share of the U.S. public debt

Public Debt: $11,917,157,774,325.76
Intragovernmental Holdings: $4,878,394,615,872.64

Total U.S. National Debt: $16,795,552,390,198.40

Question: Who owns the public debt?

Answer: Mutual funds, pension funds, foreign governments, foreign investors, American investors, etc.

Which Foreign governments own the most U.S. debt?

Answer: Here is the Top 10 (as of Feb/2013)

1. China, Mainland, $1222.9 billion dollars
2. Japan, $1097.1 billion dollars
3. Carib Bnkng Ctrs**, $286.7 billion dollars
4. Brazil, $260.0 billion dollars
5. Oil Exporters*, $257.2 billion dollars
6. All Other, $238.9 billion dollars
7. Taiwan, $188.2 billion dollars
8. Switzerland, $185.8 billion dollars
9. Belgium, $184.9 billion dollars
10. Russia, $162.1 billion dollars


Whoa cowboys..... New Zealand  is the first (November)  to pull out 4 obvious reasons-  USA/RUSSIA/CHINA/INDIA/JAPAN ALL REFUSE TO SIGN KYOTO- and they are the largest energy users on the planet.... seriously???

Canada will officially become the first country to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol climate change (AFTER NEW ZEALAND  and big nations refuse to have anything to do with Kyoto- USA, Russia China, India, Japan  etc. etc. etc. AND OTHERS) agreement Saturday, following years of criticism from the Harper government and lobbying from major industrial polluters.

It’s official: Harper government withdraws from Kyoto climate agreement


The final flaw, and the one that caused the most issue was the fact that developing countries were not required whatsoever to reduce their emissions, giving them what many developed countries saw as an economic advantage.

HIGHEST GLOBAL ENERGY USERS...  we.... are ... way down at No. 8????

1. China
2. United States
3. Russia
4. India
5. Japan
6. Germany
7. France
8. Canada
Why Didn't the U.S. Sign the Kyoto Treaty? Why Didn't Russia? Why Didn't China? Why Didn't Japan?



Won't someone think of the summits? Kyoto failures could threaten global climate posturing

Kelly McParland: UN summits where delegates waste untold resources in fruitless discussions are seriously endangered by failures to contain greenhouse gases


can u imagine our canada paying 4 all these energy abusers when Canada- population only 36 million uses less than 2% energy on the planet????

It’s All Over: Kyoto Protocol Loses Four Big Nations

Posted on May 29, 2011 by Anthony Watts      

Image: Sierra Club Compass

Saturday, 28 May 2011 16:58 Agence France-Presse

DEAUVILLE, France: Russia, Japan and Canada told the G8 they would not join a second round of carbon cuts under the Kyoto Protocol at United Nations talks this year and the US reiterated it would remain outside the treaty, European diplomats have said.

The future of the Kyoto Protocol has become central to efforts to negotiate reductions of carbon emissions under the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, whose annual meeting will take place in Durban, South Africa, from November 28 to December 9.

Developed countries signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. They agreed to legally binding commitments on curbing greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.

Those pledges expire at the end of next year. Developing countries say a second round is essential to secure global agreements.

But the leaders of Russian, Japan and Canada confirmed they would not join a new Kyoto agreement, the diplomats said.

They argued that the Kyoto format did not require developing countries, including China, the world’s No. 1 carbon emitter, to make targeted emission cuts.

At last Thursday’s G8 dinner the US President, Barack Obama, confirmed Washington would not join an updated Kyoto Protocol, the diplomats said.

The US, the second-largest carbon emitter, signed the protocol in 1997 but in 2001 the then president, George W. Bush, said he would not put it to the Senate for ratification.

Agence France-Press, 29 May 2011



Why won't USA SIGN KYOTO?  as well as - RUSSIA, CHINA, JAPAN ETC?


They are only thinking of national benefits.

 In 2008, total global output was 24.1 billion tons, of which the United States accounted for 19.2%, China 22.1%, the EU 13%, Russia 5.5%, and Japan 4.0%
 In United States 18.6 ton per caput, China 4.9 ton, Germany 9.4 ton, Russia 11.4 ton , and Japan 9.3 ton.

 EU and Japan are hard to reduce CO2 by a large margin to advance energy-conservation technology .
 Without US and China, That would be pointless.

 When all is said and done, isn't it the United States-which vaunts itself as the most "morally righteous" nation in the world and stands in judgment over other nations-which is actually the most morally irresponsible nation in the world?


Not all countries of the world signed the Kyoto Protocol. The countries that did sign it together account for 55% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. However, the country that emits the most greenhouse gases, the United States, did not agreed to sign the Kyoto Protocol. In 2001, United States President George W. Bush decided that the US would not participate. Large developing countries such as India, China, and Brazil are not required to make changes either.

Why won't USA SIGN KYOTO? 


They are only thinking of national benefits.

 In 2008, total global output was 24.1 billion tons, of which the United States accounted for 19.2%, China 22.1%, the EU 13%, Russia 5.5%, and Japan 4.0%
 In United States 18.6 ton per caput, China 4.9 ton, Germany 9.4 ton, Russia 11.4 ton , and Japan 9.3 ton.

 EU and Japan are hard to reduce CO2 by a large margin to advance energy-conservation technology .
 Without US and China, That would be pointless.

 When all is said and done, isn't it the United States-which vaunts itself as the most "morally righteous" nation in the world and stands in judgment over other nations-which is actually the most morally irresponsible nation in the world?


The US cannot sign the Kyoto protocol or anything similar. There is a piece of Law expressly forbidding it... the Byrd-Hagel Resolution.

Signing the treaty does not mean that a country commits to making any reductions in emissions. If a country 'signs' the agreement then they agree to provide annual reports of their emissions... no more than that.

 Only if a country has signed the treaty AND signed Annex I do they commit to making any reductions. Of the 191 countries that have signed the treaty only 39 have committed to attempting any emissions reduction under the provisions of Annex I.

 A country can sign the Treaty but not sign Annex I. For example, China and India have both signed the Treaty, but neither has signed Annex I. They are therefore not committed to making any emission reductions.


1) The whole world did not sign it
 2) Wikipedia is not a reliable source for *anything*, but especially not for anything political...and AGW is highly political
 3) AGW is a fraud...the science is terrible
 4) The cost of limiting carbon emissions would have been astronomical...$2280 trillion over the next 90 yrs by the latest study... maybe 10x more according to ex EPA economist Alan Carlin
 5) It wouldn't do any good anyway, CO2 doesn't drive the climate

 "You could go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide" -Dr. Reid Bryson, the most cited climate scientist in the world


Warmists cannot understand decisions like these because they think actually think AGW is about having a good environment. (and they call deniers dumb)

 The Kyoto protocol is literally about giving Global Socialists the power to steal from American industry.
 It's international Cap & Trade - a methodology to separate the profits from anyone using/selling fossil fuels.

 Canada has recently withdrawn as the development of their Oil Sands promised vast profits for the Kyoto Yakuza Yahoos to steal. Canadian are mostly OK with Americans being fiscally raped, but a lot more reluctant to grab their own ankles in the name of Carbon control.

 Ok, fine I'm a lying Republican Earth hating denier hopelessly corrupted by greed...

 So why didn't those shining beacons of environmental compassion know as Obama & the Democrats sign in when they had complete control of America's Government? Wasn't Obama going to stop the Oceans rise?

 Makes no sense environmentally right? Is Obama is retarded? Is he a closet Republican?

 Absolutely not.
 You see Obama IS a Socialist & all for Socialists robbing businessmen, just not for International Socialists robbing HIS businessmen. Understand?

 American Capitalists must of course hand over their profits to atone for the sin personal success, but those profits must buy Democrat votes from the Occupy Wall Street parasites here at home - they don't do Obama a damn bit of good planting carbon credit trees in Africa.

 Hope this clears things up for you.



You do realize that Canada just pulled out of the Kyoto treaty so they would not be punished for failure to meet emission levels even when they only contribute 2% of all green house gases. You also do realize that a lot of the information coming from the AGW crowd is just hilarious. I was listening off and on to Democracy NOW during the latest talks and one of the things that I found funny is that sea levels will magically raise by a meter in the next 60 years. Our current sea level rise is between 2 to 4 mm from 1 to 3 mm a year. To raise a full meter in 60 years we will have to have sea level rise average a little over 16 mm a year which is 4 times the current rate. You do also realize that the poorest of the poor Nations are looking for permanent handouts instead of hand ups


Because we are smarter than those idiots that signed it and are now trying to back out of it. Because it's a costly, economy destroying, useless, sovereignty threatening, con-game.

 But I believe --- and I'm not taking time to look it up --- but I think Bill Clinton actually DID sign it. But it means nothing without Senate approval. Thank Goodness.

 Why do you want to give taxpayer's money away to a bunch of socialist/commies?

 I take it Mohan that you trust that hate-America club called the U.N. --- Do you remember "Oil for Food" --- I'll tell you there is more love for America in the Kremlin than in that pit of hissing snakes called the U.N..

 Watch these and learn something:

 The Great Global Warming Swindle

Global Warming Doomsday Called Off


Because we are not stupid enough to further cripple our economy.

 Some economist predicted the current global recesison based on provisions in the Kyoto protocol. Looks like they were right.

 Because Kyoto added restrictions to us but left some of our primary economic compeditors out of any restrictions. this would have driven ADDITIONAL jobs from our country. Weakened our economy further and generally wreaked havoc.

 Because ANY treaty structured as Kyoto was will create more human misery without ANY measureable benefits to show for it.


China did not sign on to it and think how much more money they have on account of it. A lot of the countries now see that it was a money making racket by the UN and are pulling out.



Because it was political BS that didn't accomplish anything, like limit China. The Canadians are pulling out now, we just had a little more foresight.


What good is it? China and India are not even part of it. So why should the US be apart of it. Is the government in Canada that slow they can not see how poor this thing is?


For a lot of reasons, one of which is that it allows the creation of an UNEVEN playing field whereby other countries do NOT have to adhere to the same environmental standards as we would have to. What, so their pollution is not as "bad" as ours? Did you ever voluntarily go into a fight (physical or economic) with one hand tied behind your back?


why won't Russia sign Koyto?

Russia Won’t Renew Kyoto Protocol
Date: 01/01/13

Voice of Russia

Russia will not renew its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol.

Moscow won’t join the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol, which starts on January 1st 2013.

Russia decided to discontinue its participation in the protocol because the world’s major producers of greenhouse gases – the United States, China and India – are still refusing to commit themselves to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Because of that, Russian leaders say, the Kyoto Protocol, which came into force seven years ago, had no impact on the rate of global warming.

Voice of Russia, 31 December 2013

Ukraine, Belarus May Join Russia to Shun Kyoto

Ukraine may join Russia in shunning the extended Kyoto Protocol after United Nations envoys approved a text the two nations didn’t agree with, according to the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels.

Ukraine, the eastern European nation located in the natural-gas trading corridor between the EU and Russia, is listed in a Dec. 8 text outlining the conclusions of climate talks held in Doha as agreeing to cut its emissions by 20 percent of 1990 levels by 2020. They had already fallen by 60 percent in 2010, according to data published by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bonn on Nov. 16.

Another section of the Doha text would cancel any surplus sovereign emissions permits for the eight years through 2020 above the average annual emissions of the country in the three years through 2010. That clause may in effect require Ukraine, Belarus and other nations outside the EU while joining Kyoto to take a smaller cap, according to Norton Rose LLP. Russia has said it won’t join Kyoto’s extension. Regulatory uncertainty drove UN offset prices to record lows this week.

“Ukraine and Belarus are less likely to ratify the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol” because they object to the text, Andrei Marcu, senior adviser to the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels, said yesterday in a report on the Doha talks. CEPS advises on government policy.



Kyoto good as dead...and Harper was right to kill it

 By Lorrie Goldstein     ,Toronto Sun 
Tuesday, January 01, 2013 11:06 AM MST 

Stephen Harper Stephen Harper. (ANDRE FORGET/QMI AGENCY)
As of today, the Kyoto protocol is a zombie treaty.

It's a corpse that keeps moving, but it's dead.

Kyoto died Monday at midnight when the greenhouse gas cuts it set for 37 industrialized nations between 2008 and 2012 expired.

But, just like the walking dead, it rose from the grave Tuesday because 195 countries at a UN conference in Doha, Qatar last month agreed to pretend it's still alive.

They "extended" Kyoto, pending the ratification of a new treaty by 2015, to take effect in 2020.

In other words, they kicked the zombie down the road for a few more years, while agreeing to maintain the fiction among themselves that Kyoto is a "global" emissions treaty, when it actually covers only 15% of global emissions.

Indeed, because Kyoto made no demands on the developing world, where emissions are rising the fastest, global emissions increased throughout the period covered by the treaty.

Canada withdrew from Kyoto last month, having given its obligatory one-year notice last December.

In doing so, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives finally corrected the huge and reckless blunder Jean Chretien and the Liberals committed by signing on to Kyoto in 1998.

How Chretien, as the leader of a large, cold, northern, oil-exporting country, could have committed Canada to an emissions treaty that excluded the U.S. and required nothing of China, defies explanation to this day.

Even Chretien's top political aide, Eddie Goldenberg, has since admitted that when the Liberals signed Kyoto, they knew they couldn't implement its target of cutting our emissions by an average of 6% below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012.

The proof of that lies in the fact that by the time the Liberals were tossed from power in 2006, Canada's emissions were 30% above the Kyoto target to which Chretien had agreed.

That meant the new Conservative government would have had to wreck the Canadian economy to achieve Chretien's unattainable goal.

Harper finally stopped paying lip service to this ridiculous idea a year ago, when Environment Minister Peter Kent announced Canada was withdrawing from Kyoto.

That was the first sensible thing a Canadian government had done on this issue in 13 years.

While Canada continues to participate in negotiations to craft a new global emissions treaty, the danger is that all the problems that made Kyoto such a disaster remain in place.

It still makes no sense for Canada to agree to any international treaty to reduce its emissions unless the U.S. and China are on board.

And it still makes no sense for Canada to contribute billions of dollars to help developing nations reduce their emissions, unless those nations first commit to lowering their emissions.

In the real world, which rarely intrudes into political discussions about Kyoto, no significant reduction in global greenhouse gases can begin until China and the U.S., the world's two top emitters, dramatically reduce their reliance on coal to produce electricity.

By comparison, the development of Canada's oil sands is insignificant.

The oil sands represent about one-tenth of 1% of global emissions and Canada, as a whole, produces 2% of global emissions, compared to 21% for China and 19% for the U.S.

Given that reality, we simply can't afford to be as stupid on this issue as Chretien was, ever again.

Goldstein: As of today, the Kyoto protocol is a zombie treaty. It's a corpse that keeps moving, but it's dead. Kyoto died Monday at midnight when the greenhouse gas cuts it set for 37 industrialized nations between 2008 and 2012 expired.


- KYOTO PROTOCALL useless without USA, China, India, Pakistan, Russia, Japan... move on

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has reason to call the United Nations to account

By Michael Den Tandt, Postmedia News May 2, 2013 

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird addresses the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters last October.

Photograph by: Jason DeCrow/The Associated Press/Files , Postmedia News

If Paul Heinbecker didn’t exist, the opposition Liberals, New Democrats and Greens would have to manufacture him in a lab.

From his perch on the op-ed pages of the Globe and Mail, or on the airwaves of the CBC, this most august of retired Canadian diplomats regularly casts thunderbolts at the Harper government, more in sadness than in anger. Worldly and world-weary, Heinbecker knows – simply knows, to his core – that the Harper government’s foreign policy, especially its frostiness towards the United Nations, is inept, harmful to Canada’s standing in the world, and, well, just plain stupid.

“To put it bluntly,” Heinbecker declared in the Globe last month,  “it is a major mistake to simply write off the institutions our parents and grandparents created, as if the current or next generation would have the wit, wisdom and will to do better.”

Now, in a development sure to fuel the fire, there’s a move afoot to transplant the International Civil Aviation Organization, a UN agency based in Montreal since 1947, to Qatar. The impetus, reportedly, is Arab unhappiness with Canada’s Middle-East policies.

But here’s a thought. What if Heinbecker & Co. are mostly mistaken about the sanctity, value and essential unimpeachability of the UN? And what if Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, purveyor of crass moral absolutes in a diplomatic world more comfortable with nuance, is mostly correct? More to the point, politically: What if Baird’s view much more closely reflects popular sentiment, than does Heinbecker’s?

It is a staple of Liberal and New Democrat messaging that the Harper Conservatives have trashed Canada’s formerly stellar reputation in the world (which was never as stellar as the myth would have it) by, among other things, unequivocally supporting the state of Israel, as opposed to maintaining the fig leaf of honest brokerhood; cutting off diplomatic ties with Iran’s theocratic dictatorship, as opposed to pretending to engage with it; walking away from blue-helmeted peacekeeping, in favour of peacemaking; and denouncing international human rights violators, including the governments of Iran, North Korea and Sri Lanka, in stark terms.

Proof of this decline is found, triumphantly, in the growing trickle of UN “rapporteurs” making the long trek to Canada, here to report in icy, disappointed tones on this country’s egregious failings — compared with, say, Greece, or Zimbabwe. Last summer the UN’s Food Rapporteur from central casting, Olivier De Schutter, spent 11 days in-country, then declared that 800,000 Canadian households lack adequate food. His solution to the emergency, buried in the fine print of his report, was a massive increase in taxes.

And more rapporteurs are on the way. The UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights all are Canada-bound in the coming months. If history is any guide they too will unearth appalling abuses that lay bare the cruelty and inhumanity at the heart of the Canadian experience.

Taxpayers will rightly wonder, when these reports touch down in Ottawa from the other planet on which they are created, why the UN is spending precious resources in this way, when people are starving or being bombed or butchered in various places, such as Syria. For the record, Canada’s net contribution to the world body for 2013 is $76 million US, according to UN documents. That compares with $131.2 million from China, $142.5 million from France, $276 million from Japan, and a whopping $618.5 million from the United States. Canada is the seventh-largest contributor globally.

Now here’s a question, which seems fair at a time when federal spending is under a microscope: What will Canadians receive for those millions? How will that money be spent? And why, come to think of it, has no individual, let alone the UN apparatus as a whole, ever been called to account for its failures, which are colossal — some would say criminal — in modern times?

There was the massacre at Srebrenica, when UN troops stood by. There was the Rwandan genocide, when UN troops stood by. More recently the UN Security Council has proved itself utterly useless in confronting Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, who has used heavy weapons and chemical weapons against his own people. If there is intervention in Syria, it will be at the behest of the same crew that always intervenes, if anyone does, to stop international barbarities: NATO, led by the Americans.

In response to such failings, among others, Baird had this to say to the UN General Assembly last October: “(Humanity) will judge our success by how well we further the ends of prosperity, security, and human dignity. You measure results by measuring the results. Not by weighing best efforts. Not by counting good intentions. Not by calculating inputs.” It was his way of saying, in language that left little room for misinterpretation: Just what are you accomplishing with our $76 million?

That may have been unusually blunt speech, for a diplomat. But destructive of Canada’s international reputation? A fundamental breach with Canadian tradition? Nonsense. Not anywhere outside the tiny bubble bordered by the Chateau Laurier on one side and Bank Street on the other. Baird was expressing what many Canadians think, but don’t often say. It’s part of what makes him an effective foreign minister.


100 days of silence by world's media, UNITED NATIONS BETRAYED 800,000 INNOCENTS BUTCHERED- UN Peacekeepers Rules of Engagement-  u must NEVER shoot ur weapon NO matter how many innocents killed - unless the enemy shoots directly at u-  800,000 died-  AND MY LOVE OF CANADA'S PM JEAN CHRETIEN.... DIED WITH THEM..... took his picture off my prayer table- had to tell 40 sunday school kids; who found out the gorillas of Rwanda- weren't the nightmare as the UNITED NATIONS ALLOWED SILENCE OF 800,000 INNOCENTS, it was sooo hard- ..... THE SHAME NEV-A LEFT...

Shake Hands With the Devil - Trailer

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Tuez-Les Tous / Genocide Rwanda 1994 {N°3} [Guerre]

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

trois mois, d'avril à Juillet 1994, un million de personnes furent méthodiquement exterminées au Rwanda. Leur unique crime était d'être né Tutsi. Nous avions quinze ans lorsque nous avons vu ces images à la télévision un jour d'Avril 1994. Ces images de barbaries semblaient incompréhensibles. Des Africains se battaient à coup de machettes et on nous parlait de haines ancestrales, de massacre inter ethnique, de guerre tribale. Nous avions quinze ans et nous ne comprenions pas que cette histoire était aussi la nôtre. Pourtant c'était un génocide, et il avait lieu sous nos yeux.

Quelques années plus tard, nous avons entendu les premières accusations portées contre l'Etat français. La France semblait avoir joué un rôle dans cette histoire. Certains parlaient même de complicité. Nous avons voulu en savoir plus.
Ce film raconte le dernier génocide du vingtième siècle. Au Rwanda, il ne s'agissait ni de barbarie ancestrale ni d'une soudaine explosion de violence, mais d'une histoire politique et moderne. Ces hommes qui massacrent leurs voisins sont avant tout des êtres humains. Nous avons voulu comprendre ce qui était arrivé à l'humanité dans les collines du Rwanda.

La haine raciale qui guidait les auteurs du génocide ne date pas de la nuit des temps mais trouve son origine à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle. Alors que le racisme moderne et ses théories pseudo-scientifiques naissent en Europe, des explorateurs allemands pénètrent au Rwanda, le dernier territoire inexploré d'Afrique. Ils y découvrent une société centralisée divisée en deux groupes : les Hutu et les Tutsi. Les tutsi sont minoritaires et constituent une aristocratie qui domine la majorité Hutu. Mais la frontière entre les deux groupes n'est pas absolue. En montant dans la hiérarchie sociale, un Hutu peut devenir un Tutsi. Habités par leurs théories raciales, les Allemands et les Belges vont transformer ces deux groupes en deux races distinctes. Ils façonneront ainsi chez les Rwandais eux-mêmes, une conception raciale jusque-là inexistante.

Les colons Belges se sont longtemps appuyé sur l'aristocratie Tutsi pour contrôler le pays. Mais lorsque dans les années 1950, l'élite Tutsi est gagnée par les idées indépendantistes, les Belges favorisent l'émergence d'un mouvement Hutu. Ce mouvement aboutit en 1959 à la révolution sociale Hutu. Concrètement, des leader Hutus renversent la monarchie Tutsi et s'emparent du pouvoir.

Cette idéologie raciste sert de fondement à l'Etat Rwandais post colonial. Dès l'indépendance les Tutsis sont victimes d'un véritable apartheid. Fuyant les massacres et les persécutions, les Tutsi se réfugient par centaines de milliers dans les pays voisins. Ils n'abandonneront jamais l'idée de revenir sur leur terre. Après plusieurs tentatives de retour, ils créent dans les années 1980 une organisation politico-militaire. Les exilés Tutsi ont désormais leur armée, le front patriotique Rwandais : le FPR.

Le 1 er Octobre 1990, le FPR lance ses troupes à l'assaut du Rwanda et de son régime Hutu. L'offensive du FPR connait un succès immédiat mais éphémère. Le président Hutu du Rwanda, parvient à sauver la situation en obtenant l'intervention de troupes françaises belges. Cette intervention européenne permet aux soldats du régime Hutu de repousser les offensives du FPR.

Mais la guerre ne fait que commencer et elle durera quatre ans....



If United Nations designated Women as Equal - and USA ratified-  there would be no wars and billions of women and children would not die-   education equals empowerment- 

One Billion Rising-Break the Chains (Short Film)

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";version=3&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";version=3&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>


Every Day is International Women's Day- THE GLOBAL POWER SONG-  Break the Chain of Abuse- One Billion Rising

GLOBAL GIRL POWER - One Billion Rising..... breaking the chains of abuse globally 4 girls and women

<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>



Wheat rice output stagnating Scientists

North America News.Net - Wednesday 19th December, 2012

A wilting Green Revolution is adversely affecting grain output in China and India, warn US and Canadian scientists, adding that output of crops meant to feed animals or provide car fuel seems to be ...





- it's time 4 Canada to distance ourselves from the hijacking of human rights, dismissing of human suffering of freedoms and basic human rights; thieves and butchers who NEV-A have to give up the $$$$trillions they have stolen; from countries who pay NO TAXES- AND now stick us with the bill that China, Russia and the richest will NEVER pay..... 200,00 sri lankan tamil terrorists were butchered and UN did nothin; Congo raped thousands and thousands of little boys and women; 800,000 slaughtered in Rwanda in the 100 days of silence; oil 4 food and $$$$ 4 the rich; Mugabe raping Marley's Zimbabwe whilst starving the poor worse than any white man could have... it goes on and on... STANDING by whilst muslim jihadists rape and pillage Muslim countries and murder order 4 little Muslim girls??? Seriously.... now this sneaky piece of sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet..... come on world- dump United Nations...



Canada must stand firm

THE technological revolution that is the Internet has expanded dramatically around the world, served as catalyst for enormous entrepreneurial economic success and spawned new, cyberspace-based com­munities that have forever changed communi­cations — all without government oversight.

Now, however, the spectre of a digital iron curtain, as some observers have dubbed it, threatens to split the Internet into two global zones.

The first would be the freewheeling, mainly user-directed cyber-universe we know, espe­cially in the West, where free speech thrives and innovative thinking is essentially unboun­ded.

The second, however, would be a repressed, state-by-state controlled network — like China and Iran today but worse — avoided by foreign content providers like Google due to the high access fees charged by these regimes, where censorship and surveillance are pervasive.

That a UN organization, the International Telecommunications Union, is behind this worrying development is no surprise. Like other UN bodies, the ITU, made up of 193 mem­ber nations, contains both democracies and authoritarian regimes.

At the recent ITU conference in Dubai pur­portedly held to update global telecommunic­ations standards, Russia, China and other states hostile to human rights and free speech spear­headed efforts to bring the Internet under UN governance. That model would leave users with less, or no, voice in what happens to the Net.

As expected, Canada, the U.S., Britain and other Western-aligned countries rightly refused to sign the new treaty as amended.

ITU officials brazenly lied about their inten­tions, insisting before the summit that all de­cisions would come by consensus. A vote on the controversial treaty, however, was sprung on delegates in the midst of negotiations.

A total of 89 countries signed the new accord; 55, including Canada, have not and should not, unless all attempts by repressive regimes to lasso control of the Internet are removed from the current text.

Unfortunately, says Byron Holland, head of Canada’s Internet registry, this impasse has now split the world, raising the possibility of a second, shadowy — and far more repressed — Internet, endorsed by the UN.


GULF UNION to form-  we need a FREE WORLD UNION  ... and get out of UN

Gulf Union to be announced mid-2013 – Bahraini official

Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat – A Bahraini official informed Asharq Al-Awsat that the Gulf Union is expected to be announced in mid-2013, although he refused to divulge the precise number of states that will initially comprise this international organization. ..


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